Issue - meetings

Tadcaster Road Parking Bays

Meeting: 19/07/2024 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport (Item 5)

5 Tadcaster Road Parking Bays (10:38am) pdf icon PDF 381 KB

This report reviews the initial consultation responses received from the residents/businesses on the potential changes to parking bays on Tadcaster Road between its junctions Royal Chase and Slingsby Grove.  


Additional documents:


Resolved:      That Option 1 be approved – Advertise a proposal to amend the Traffic Regulation Order to remove the Loading Bay in the parking bay on the north west side and change the duration of parking on the bays on Tadcaster Road between Royal Chase and Slingsby Grove so the restrictions on the use of the bays are as follows:


·        North west side of Tadcaster Road - 1-hour limit Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm

·        South east side of Tadcaster Road - 3-hour limit Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm



Reason:         This allows for the views of the residents and businesses to be taken into consideration to help provide a more suitable parking arrangement in the vicinity for the residents and businesses.


                        The Executive Member additionally requested consultation with bus companies regarding their use of the road.




The Executive Member considered a report presented by the Traffic Management Team Leader.


Officers explained that the report reviewed initial consultation responses received from the residents/businesses on potential changes to parking bays on Tadcaster Road between its junctions Royal Chase and Slingsby Grove.


Officers also noted that responses from a previous consultation had suggested residents/businesses felt that the loading bay in front of the shops was not required and would like to see the removal of the bay.


Officers explained that two additional representations had been received in the week prior to the Decision Session, via the ward councillor; one from a resident concerned that they had not been involved in the initial consultation, and another from a resident who had moved to the area after the consultation date and expressed concern because the parking space they used would be being removed.


The Executive Member noted that the situation was evolving and required careful balance between bus routes, cycle routes and shops as well as local residents parking.


In response to questions from the Executive Member, officers noted that under the proposed scheme, the resident who had relocated to the area would still have loading/unloading access via the bay they used, but that they would need to use side streets for longer term/overnight parking.


The Executive Member was satisfied that the resident who had made representation would not be unduly inconvenienced, and


Resolved:            That Option 1 be approved – Advertise a proposal to amend the Traffic Regulation Order to remove the Loading Bay in the parking bay on the north west side and change the duration of parking on the bays on Tadcaster Road between Royal Chase and Slingsby Grove so the restrictions on the use of the bays are as follows:


·     North west side of Tadcaster Road - 1-hour limit Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm

·     South east side of Tadcaster Road - 3-hour limit Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm



Reason:              This allows for the views of the residents and businesses to be taken into consideration to help provide a more suitable parking arrangement in the vicinity for the residents and businesses.


                             The Executive Member additionally requested consultation with bus companies regarding their use of the road.




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