Issue - meetings

Leveraging more retrofit investment into York

Meeting: 18/07/2024 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities (Item 5.)

5. Leveraging more retrofit investment into York (3:52pm) pdf icon PDF 490 KB

The council has been successful in applying for and utilising significant grant funding alongside our own investment to deliver retrofit projects to many council homes as well as those in the private sector. It is developing a ‘retrofit one stop shop’ which it is hoped will both develop demand for retrofit and remove barriers to delivery.


This report looks to supplement this activity through taking a proactive approach to bringing further retrofit investment into the city through Energy Company Obligation 4 LA Flex (“ECO4”) funding, a government energy-efficiency scheme designed to tackle fuel poverty and help reduce carbon emissions.

Additional documents:


Resolved: That Option 1 set out in paragraph 27 of the report be approved, incorporating all four recommendations outlined in paragraph 14, to approve the proposed Statement of Intent for publication, support the creation of a partnership with Agility ECO.


Reason:This provides the most comprehensive response to the ambitions to improve the energy efficiency of homes in the city, which will maximise the reduction in carbon emissions and maximise the benefits for residents through warmer homes which are more energy efficient and more affordable to heat.


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