Issue - meetings

York Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan Update

Meeting: 14/03/2023 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 67)

67 York Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan Update pdf icon PDF 322 KB

This report provides the Executive Member with an update on progress towards York’s Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).


Additional documents:




                      i.         Acknowledged the progress made to date towards completion of York’s LCWIP.


Reason:     To ensure the Executive Member is up to date and to enable him to highlight any concerns.


The Executive Member considered the progress report and welcomed the evidence base being developed and looked forward to a LCWIP being adopted. The Executive Member noted that schemes such as the changes to Coppergate which had reduced traffic had seen an increase in footfall for shops in the area. It was noted that the Systra Ltd proposals would go to public consultation after the local elections in May 2023. Officers confirmed that once the LCWIP was adopted it would be a living document that would be updated with new schemes when ready.




                      i.         Acknowledged the progress made to date towards completion of York’s LCWIP.


Reason:     To ensure the Executive Member is up to date and to enable him to highlight any concerns.


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