Issue - meetings
10 Year Strategies
Meeting: 22/11/2022 - Executive (Item 46)
46 10 Year Strategies (18:14) PDF 611 KB
The Chief Operating Officer to present a report which details the development of a 10-year Strategy and Policy framework comprising the Climate Change, Economic and Health and Wellbeing 10 year strategies and the emerging 10 year City Plan, and asks Executive to recommend that Council adopt the framework.
Note: Annexes B, C and D to the above report have not been included in the printed or PDF agenda pack, but are available to view alongside the agenda online.
Additional documents:
- Annex A Our Big Conversation 10 year strategies summary of feedback, item 46
PDF 356 KB View as HTML (46/2) 19 KB
- Annex Bi Climate Change Strategy 2022-2032, item 46
PDF 1 MB View as HTML (46/3) 220 KB
- Annex Bii Climate Change Action Plan, item 46
PDF 788 KB View as HTML (46/4) 375 KB
- Annex Biii Climate Change Strategy_Technical Annex, item 46
PDF 3 MB View as HTML (46/5) 288 KB
- Annex Biv Climate change Strategy Equalities Impact Assessment, item 46
PDF 722 KB View as HTML (46/6) 166 KB
- Annex Ci Economic Strategy, item 46
PDF 373 KB View as HTML (46/7) 115 KB
- Annex Cii York Economic Strategy Technical Annex, item 46
- Annex Ciii Economic Strategy Equalities Impact Assessment, item 46
PDF 752 KB View as HTML (46/9) 167 KB
- Annex Civ Economic Partnership Terms of Reference, item 46
PDF 362 KB View as HTML (46/10) 45 KB
- Annex Di Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-32, item 46
- Annex Dii Health and Wellbeing Strategy Equalities Impact Assessment, item 46
PDF 672 KB View as HTML (46/12) 105 KB
[See also Item 16]
Resolved: (i) That the strategy and policy framework, showing how different related strategies, policies and plans will deliver the ambitious goals articulated in the 10 year strategies, be noted.
(ii) That the recommendations of the Climate Emergency Policy & Scrutiny Committee be approved.
(iii) That the Climate Change Action Plan be approved.
(iv) That the establishment of the Economic Partnership be approved.
(v) That the 10 year strategies implementation plan be endorsed.
Reason: To engage partners, city leaders, businesses, stakeholders and residents to work together on key agreed priority areas that aim to actively improve the quality of life for all York’s residents.
[See also under Part B]
The Chief Operating Officer and the Assistant Director, Policy & Strategy, presented a report which detailed the development of a 10-year Strategy and Policy framework comprising the Climate Change, Economic and Health and Wellbeing 10 year strategies and the emerging 10 year City Plan. Members were asked to review the strategies and recommend that Council adopt the framework.
The three inter-dependent strategies had been developed after an extensive 18-month programme of resident, business and stakeholder engagement and were informed by existing and emerging national and local policies, as set out in the report. A summary of resident feedback was attached at Annex A. The three strategies had been made available to view online as Annexes B, C and D respectively.
The Chair thanked all those involved in developing the strategies, which responded to a series of challenges facing the city including integrated care, levelling up and climate change, and would guide future work in achieving long-term ambitions. In supporting the recommendations, the Executive Member for Environment & Climate Change highlighted York’s award of a ‘A’ Rating for climate action leadership by the Carbon Disclosure Project. In response to matters raised under Public Participation, officers confirmed that they were looking at the data modelling but needed to be sure that a ‘bottom up’ approach would improve on the current scatter tool process before adopting it.
Resolved: (i) That the strategy and policy framework, showing how different related strategies, policies and plans will deliver the ambitious goals articulated in the 10 year strategies, be noted.
(ii) That the recommendations of the Climate Emergency Policy & Scrutiny Committee be approved.
(iii) That the Climate Change Action Plan be approved.
(iv) That the establishment of the Economic Partnership be approved.
(v) That the 10 year strategies implementation plan be endorsed.
Reason: To engage partners, city leaders, businesses, stakeholders and residents to work together on key agreed priority areas that aim to actively improve the quality of life for all York’s residents.