Issue - meetings
Consideration of representations received to the advertised R70 extended Residents Priority Parking Area to include Frances Street, Ambrose Street, Holly Terrace, Carey Street and Wenlock Terrace
Meeting: 28/09/2022 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 21)
To consider the formal representations received to the legal Traffic Regulation Order, advertised on the 20th of May 2022, to implement an extension to the previously approved R70 residents’ priority parking scheme to include Frances Street, Ambrose Street, Holly Terrace, Carey Street and Wenlock Terrace and determine what action is appropriate.
Additional documents:
- Annex A Advertisement letter additional area 05_22, item 21
PDF 161 KB
- Annex B Notice of Proposals, item 21
- Annex C Advertised extended R70 area, item 21
PDF 975 KB
- Annex C1 - advertised limited waiting bays, item 21
PDF 221 KB
- Annex D Objections received to the advertised extended R70 scheme, item 21
- Annex E Support received to the advertised extended R70 Respark scheme, item 21
PDF 104 KB
- Annex F Current obstructive parking, item 21
PDF 333 KB
- Annex G Proposed extended R70 boundary, item 21
i. Approved the implementation of the extension to the previously approved R70 residents parking scheme to include Frances Street, Ambrose Street, Holly Terrace, Carey Street and Wenlock Terrace. This would extend the previously approved scheme boundary which currently includes Kilburn Road, Alma Terrace and Alma Grove. The extension would be implemented as advertised which would be operational under entry zone signs enforceable 24hours a day 7 days a week. Details outlined in Option One with the recommended R70 extended boundary plan provided as Annex G.
ii. Approved the implementation of the advertised limited waiting bays located on Carey Street, these are to be operational between 8am – 5pm each day providing unrestricted parking for a maximum of 90 minutes, no return within 60 minutes. A residents parking permit would be required outside of the specified hours. Proposals shown in C1.
Reason: To provide the improved parking provision for residents of the whole area, in line with the comments received when advertising a reduced area for R70 and the limited objections submitted to the advertised proposals to extend the scheme to include the wider area.
The Executive Member considered whether to extend the R70
Residents Priority Parking Scheme to include Frances Street,
Ambrose Street, Holly Terrace, Carey Street and Wenlock Terrace which was advertised on 20 May 2022.
The Executive Member noted the representations received and outlined in the report. He acknowledged and approved the introduction of a limited waiting bays located on Carey Street, these it was noted would be operational between 8am – 5pm each day providing unrestricted parking for a maximum of 90 minutes, no return within 60 minutes. The Executive Member asked that officers ensure signage is appropriately used to ensure residents and motorists were aware of the changes.
i. Approved the implementation of the extension to the previously approved R70 residents parking scheme to include Frances Street, Ambrose Street, Holly Terrace, Carey Street and Wenlock Terrace. This would extend the previously approved scheme boundary which currently includes Kilburn Road, Alma Terrace and Alma Grove. The extension would be implemented as advertised which would be operational under entry zone signs enforceable 24hours a day 7 days a week. Details outlined in Option One with the recommended R70 extended boundary plan provided as Annex G.
ii. Approved the implementation of the advertised limited waiting bays located on Carey Street, these are to be operational between 8am – 5pm each day providing unrestricted parking for a maximum of 90 minutes, no return within 60 minutes. A residents parking permit would be required outside of the specified hours. Proposals shown in C1.
Reason: To provide the improved parking provision for residents of the whole area, in line with the comments received when advertising a reduced area for R70 and the limited objections submitted to the advertised proposals to extend the scheme to include the wider area.