Issue - meetings
City Centre Exemption Consultation
Meeting: 21/06/2022 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 4)
4 City Centre Exemption Consultation PDF 298 KB
This Report considers the representations received to the statutory consultation for the amendment to the list of exemptions for vehicle movements within the pedestrian area, with officer recommendations for a future course of action.
Additional documents:
- Annex A - city centre access arrangements Letter, item 4
PDF 294 KB
- Annex B Representation to the City Centre Access, item 4
PDF 266 KB View as HTML (4/3) 20 KB
- Annex C - York Civic Trust representation, item 4
PDF 339 KB
i. Approved as advertised the amendment the Traffic Regulation Order to amend the list of exemptions to reduce the number of vehicles accessing the pedestrian area during the hours of operation from 1 October 2022.
Reason: To reduce the number of vehicles within the pedestrian area to reduce the level of conflict between vehicles and pedestrians to help improve pedestrian safety within the pedestrian area.
ii. Approved further communication with residents and businesses within the pedestrian area to make them aware of the policy and procedures that will be implemented in order to gain approved vehicle access with the pedestrian area.
Reason: To provide clarity on the process to gain vehicle access to the pedestrian area if required for works or in an emergency situation.
iii. Approved an amendment to the National Street Gazetteer to provide information on time that vehicle access in to the streets within the pedestrian area is prohibited.
Reason: To provide utility companies with information on restrictions on vehicle access to the pedestrian area once the Hostile Vehicle Mitigation measures have been put in place to reduce utility vehicles trying the access the pedestrian area without the correct approval.
Officers noted that the Executive in November 2021 agreed the changes to the way the streets in the city centre would be managed during pedestrianised hours (footstreets). They noted that Counter Terrorism Police had advised the Council to deliver Blue Light services access at footstreets hours. Officers confirmed that the biggest challenges to amending access were access for blue badge holders and some council services such as waste collection at the market. It was confirmed that discussions were taking place with Make It York about waste collection for the market.
The Executive Member considered the proposed changes as well as the current challenges blue badge and some council vehicle access. He noted that additional parking should be available for blue badge holders at Castlegate in September and he noted that the Council were considering the prospect of a shuttle bus to address access issues.
i. Approved as advertised the amendment the Traffic Regulation Order to amend the list of exemptions to reduce the number of vehicles accessing the pedestrian area during the hours of operation from 1 October 2022.
Reason: To reduce the number of vehicles within the pedestrian area to reduce the level of conflict between vehicles and pedestrians to help improve pedestrian safety within the pedestrian area.
ii. Approved further communication with residents and businesses within the pedestrian area to make them aware of the policy and procedures that will be implemented in order to gain approved vehicle access with the pedestrian area.
Reason: To provide clarity on the process to gain vehicle access to the pedestrian area if required for works or in an emergency situation.
iii. Approved an amendment to the National Street Gazetteer to provide information on time that vehicle access in to the streets within the pedestrian area is prohibited.
Reason: To provide utility companies with information on restrictions on vehicle access to the pedestrian area once the Hostile Vehicle Mitigation measures have been put in place to reduce utility vehicles trying the access the pedestrian area without the correct approval.