Issue - meetings

Directorate of Place 2021/22 Transport Capital Programme – Monitor 1 Report

Meeting: 19/10/2021 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 27)

27 Directorate of Place 2021/22 Transport Capital Programme – Monitor 1 Report pdf icon PDF 342 KB

This report sets out progress to date on schemes in the 2021/22 Transport Capital Programme, and proposes adjustments to scheme allocations to align with the latest cost estimates and delivery projections.

Additional documents:




                      i.         Approved the amendments to the 2021/22 Directorate of Place Transport Capital Programme.


Reason:     To implement the council’s transport strategy identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the council’s Transport Programme.


                     ii.         Approved the increase in budget allocation and the progression of the improvements to the footway on University Road, funded by Ward Funding and from the Pedestrian Minor Schemes budget ahead of any potential future restriction to the highway.


Reason:     To address the defective footway following a review by

the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning as indicated in paras. 26 to 29.


Officers provided a regular update on the 2021/22 Directorate of Place Transport Capital Programme. The Executive Member enquired about costs being noted in the report as higher than had been expected, officers noted that cost inflation with in the construction industry had contributed to these higher costs. In regards to the Active Travel program it was confirmed that additional resources had been secured and strong progress was expected.


The Executive Member enquired about the report in relation to the reporting of implications and equalities, offices confirmed that each programme within the Capital Programme would be assessed separately and reported in reports brought to decision sessions.  




                      i.         Approved the amendments to the 2021/22 Directorate of Place Transport Capital Programme.


Reason:     To implement the council’s transport strategy identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the council’s Transport Programme.


                     ii.         Approved the increase in budget allocation and the progression of the improvements to the footway on University Road, funded by Ward Funding and from the Pedestrian Minor Schemes budget ahead of any potential future restriction to the highway.


Reason:     To address the defective footway following a review by

the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning as indicated in paras. 26 to 29.


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