Issue - meetings

Review e-scooter and e-bike trial to date and consider options for extension of the trial

Meeting: 22/06/2021 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 4)

4 Review e-scooter and e-bike trial to date and consider options for extension of the trial pdf icon PDF 332 KB

This paper provides an update and review of the e-scooter and e-bike trials in York so far, and sets out whether to continue with the trial.

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                      i.         To continue with the e-scooter and e-bike trial in line with the DfT guidance; to agree that the current operator will remain the sole provider in York (in line with the DfT guidance) and continue contribution of officer time in kind. To also increase the maximum number of e-scooters permitted in York from 700 to 1000.


Reason:     To enable continuation of the trial in York until the 31st March 2022, in line with the DfT’s requirements. Continued contribution of officer time to ensure safe continuation of the trial. An increase in the maximum number of e-scooters permitted will ensure demand is met.


The Executive Member was joined in consultation on the item by the Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change. Officers provided background to the scheme and the decision by the Department for Transport (DFT) to extend their scheme until March 2022. Members supported the extension proposal in York and highlighted the success of the current trial, as well as, its contribution to sustainable travel.




                      i.         To continue with the e-scooter and e-bike trial in line with the DfT guidance; to agree that the current operator will remain the sole provider in York (in line with the DfT guidance) and continue contribution of officer time in kind. To also increase the maximum number of e-scooters permitted in York from 700 to 1000.


Reason:     To enable continuation of the trial in York until the 31st March 2022, in line with the DfT’s requirements. Continued contribution of officer time to ensure safe continuation of the trial. An increase in the maximum number of e-scooters permitted will ensure demand is met.


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