Issue - meetings

Engagement Strategy – Local Transport Plan

Meeting: 11/05/2021 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 84)

84 Engagement Strategy – Local Transport Plan pdf icon PDF 241 KB

This report sets out an engagement strategy which places resident insight at the heart of the process to develop and implement York’s Local Transport Plan 4.

Additional documents:




                      i.         Approved the engagement plan set out in annex A, which secures involvement and influence of residents through the stages required to develop LTP 4.


Reason:     To ensure effective and inclusive engagement with residents, businesses, key stakeholders and other groups who travel into and through York.


The Executive Member noted the extensive engagement that was undertaken for the Local Transport Plan three which had a response from 14% of households, following on from this he approved the holistic strategy proposed in the report. He noted that behavioural change could be a cost effective way to promote greener forms of transportation and therefore the strategy should identify barriers to change and assist in finding ways to remove those barriers.




                      i.         Approved the engagement plan set out in annex A, which secures involvement and influence of residents through the stages required to develop LTP 4.


Reason:     To ensure effective and inclusive engagement with residents, businesses, key stakeholders and other groups who travel into and through York.


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