Issue - meetings

St John Street Petition

Meeting: 07/02/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 73)

73 Petition - St. John Street pdf icon PDF 165 KB

The purpose of this report is to consider a petition by residents of St. John Street requesting that City of York Council make their street one way and supporting new bollards to make the road narrowing, narrower.


Additional documents:


Resolved:    That Option 3 be approved – to monitor the outcome of the works at the road narrowing and, if it appears large vehicles are continuing to use the street as a through route, consider the feasibility of implementing No entry except for cyclists at the St. John Street / High Newbiggin St. Junction and bring this back to a subsequent Decision Session meeting if necessary.

Reason:       To evaluate the works proposed to take place and the practicality of any further works.



The Executive Member considered a report which provided information on a petition which had been submitted by residents of St John Street requesting that the council make their street one way and supporting bollards to made the road narrowing, narrower.


The Executive Member considered 3 options:


·        Option 1 – to note the petition but take no action

·        Option 2 – to carry out feasibility work on the potential for a one way street.

·        Option 3 – to monitor the outcome of the works on the road narrowing and if it appeared that large vehicles were continuing to use the street as a through route, consider the feasibility of implementing No Entry except for cyclists at the St John Street/High Newbiggen Street junction and bring back to a future decision session for consideration.


He acknowledged the comments made by Councillor Craghill under public participation. Officers advised that they would talk to colleagues and get some clarity on when the narrowing works would be undertaken and update Councillor Craghill with this information.


Resolved: That Option 3 be approved – to monitor the outcome of the works at the road narrowing and, if it appeared that large vehicles were continuing to use the street as a through route, consider the feasibility of implementing ‘No entry except for cyclists’ at the St. John Street / High Newbiggin St. junction and bring this back to a subsequent Decision Session meeting if necessary.


Reason:     To evaluate the works proposed to take place and the practicality of any further works.



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