Issue - meetings

Strensall Road Safety Petition

Meeting: 20/12/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 54)

54 Strensall Petition - Response pdf icon PDF 193 KB

This report provides a response to the petition received from Members of York Golf Club in support of a Traffic Study and Road Safety Report drafted by Strensall with Towthorpe Parish Council.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  (i)That option 3 be approved and the receipt of the petition be noted and Strensall with Towthorpe Parish Council and York Golf Club be informed by officers in relation to the procedures and policies currently in place to address the points raised.


Reason:     To inform the Golf Club and Parish Council how road safety matters are assessed and prioritised across the city.



The Executive Member considered a report that provided a response to the petition received from Members of York Golf Club in support of a Traffic Study and Road Safety Report  which had been prepared by Strensall with Towthorpe Parish Council.


He considered three options as detailed in the report:


Option 1 – to take no further action

Option 2 – to allocate funding to investigate the issues raised in the 2015 “Traffic Study and Road Safety Improvements Proposals” report.

Option 3 – to note the receipt of the petition and instruct officers to inform the parish council of the procedures currently in place to address the points raised (the recommended option).


He  noted that, since the report had been submitted to the council in 2015, the city council had been in discussion with the parish council and York Golf Club with regard to traffic and safety concerns and that a number of safety improvements had been undertaken in the Strensall area.


He acknowledged that there were procedures and policies in place which were used to address road safety matters across the city using an evidence based approach, in order to be able to prioritise issues and noted the need to follow these procedures into order to allocate resources fairly. He assured those present that the road safety issues raised would be dealt with in the correct way and would not be ignored.


With regard to the point raised by the parish council regarding the Vehicle Activated Sign and speed indicator devices, he advised that he had asked officers to prepare a report to enable him to consider their use and to be funded from council or parish council funding.


Resolved:  (i)That option 3 be approved and the receipt of the petition be noted and Strensall with Towthorpe Parish Council and York Golf Club be informed by officers in relation to the procedures and policies currently in place to address the points raised.


Reason:     To inform the Golf Club and Parish Council how road safety matters are assessed and prioritised across the city.




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