Issue - meetings

York Road / Eastfield Avenue, Haxby – Local Safety Scheme

Meeting: 17/01/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 66)

York Road / Eastfield Avenue, Haxby – Local Safety Scheme

This report seeks approval for the implementation of a local safety scheme at the mini-roundabout at the junction of York Road with Eastfield Avenue in Haxby.


Additional documents:

  • Restricted enclosure 2




(i)      That option 1 be approved, and the local safety scheme at the mini-roundabout at the junction of York Road with Eastfield Avenue in Haxby be implemented as shown in Annex A to the report.


Reason: To reduce road traffic collision casualties at this known accident cluster site.


(ii)      That officers be asked to review the impact of the measures taken, particularly the visibility to the south from Eastfield Avenue, and continue to monitor the safety of the junction. Officers would be asked to consider further improvements to visibility by relocation of the light column and/or telegraph pole should this be considered necessary or investigate more significant changes to the junction should the agreed proposals fail to reduce the road traffic collision casualties.


          Reason: To assess the effectiveness of the local safety scheme and to respond to concerns raised by Ward Councillors to determine whether further improvements or more significant changes are required.







The Executive Member considered a report which sought his approval to implement a local safety scheme at the mini-roundabout at the junction of York Road with Eastfield Avenue in Haxby. He considered 3 options:


Option 1:    Implement the scheme as proposed in Annex A.

Option 2:    Implement the scheme as proposed in Annex A, with any amendments which are considered appropriate by the Executive Member.

Option 3:    Do nothing, and reallocate the funding.


The Executive Member acknowledged Haxby and Wigginton Ward Member, Councillor Richardson’s, comments made during public participation. In response to his suggestion that repositioning the roundabout would improve visibility for cyclists, officers advised that the scale of works involved in this would be very different to what was proposed here and any investigations into this suggestion would need to be done as a separate piece of work.


The Executive Member acknowledged the written representation from Councillor Cuthbertson, Ward Member for Haxby and Wigginton, which set out his views on the proposed safety scheme and asked that consideration be given to moving a telegraph pole, in addition to signage, to improve visibility further. Officers advised that, if the scheme was agreed, they would remove the sign as planned and then reassess visibility at that stage taking into account Cllr Cuthbertson’s comments.




(i)      That option 1 be approved, and the local safety scheme at the mini-roundabout at the junction of York Road with Eastfield Avenue in Haxby be implemented as shown in Annex A to the report.


Reason: To reduce road traffic collision casualties at this known accident cluster site.


(ii)      That officers be asked to review the impact of the measures taken, particularly the visibility to the south from Eastfield Avenue, and continue to monitor the safety of the junction. Officers would be asked to consider further improvements to visibility by relocation of the light column and/or telegraph pole should this be considered necessary or investigate more significant changes to the junction should the agreed proposals fail to reduce the road traffic collision casualties.


          Reason: To assess the effectiveness of the local safety scheme and to respond to concerns raised by Ward Councillors to determine whether further improvements or more significant changes are required.







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