Issue - meetings

Consideration of objections and comments received to an advertised proposal to amend the Traffic Regulation Order for Howard Street

Meeting: 20/12/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 57)

57 R20 Howard Street: Proposed Amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order, consideration of objections received pdf icon PDF 270 KB

The Executive Member is asked to consider the representations received to the recently advertised proposal to reduce the length of two resident parking bays on Howard Street.


Additional documents:


Resolved: That option one be approved, and that


                   (i)      the full proposal be implemented as advertised to remove the development from the R20 ResPark zone.


                   (ii)      That approval be given to implement, as advertised, to shorten two parking bays in Howard Street to provide better vehicle access to the development and a passing area.


Reason:     To introduce required measures identified within the planning process to provide better vehicle access to the development at 79 Fulford Road and to provide a better passing facility on Howard Street.



The Executive Member considered the representations received to the recently advertised proposal to reduce the length of two resident parking bays on Howard Street.


He considered two options. Both options included implementing the proposal as advertised to remove the development from the R20 ResPark zone. Option 1 however involved implementing, as advertised, to shorten two parking bays on Howard Street to provide better vehicle access to the development and a passing area, whereas option 2 agreed to uphold the objection but take no further action to reduce the parking bays.


He noted Mr Hamill’s comments made during public participation on behalf of the developer in support of the proposals and the written representation received from Cllr D’Agorne which supported the recommended option but asked for a review of parking provision across the main road frontage of 79 Fulford Road.


Resolved: That option one be approved, and that


                   (i)      the full proposal be implemented as advertised to remove the development from the R20 ResPark zone.


                   (ii)      That approval be given to implement, as advertised, to shorten two parking bays in Howard Street to provide better vehicle access to the development and a passing area.


Reason:     To introduce required measures identified within the planning process to provide better vehicle access to the development at 79 Fulford Road and to provide a better passing facility on Howard Street.



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