Issue - meetings

Marygate car park systems

Meeting: 15/11/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 46)

46 Marygate Car Park Systems pdf icon PDF 195 KB

This report is to provide an update on the parking system in Marygate car park, specifically the pay on exit trial with a focus on the issues that have come up from it.



(i)      That the updates provided in the report of the Marygate car park system and what has been put in place to improve its operation, be noted.

(ii)      That work should be started on options for replacing the current system.

(iii)     That it be agreed that the trial continues with the new 1st line maintenance regime in place and monitor the effectiveness of it and bring back a report at a later date to the Executive Member to update on the progress made and request the procurement of a new system(s) be taken forward with any supporting recommendations at that time.


(i)      The council recognises that the pay on exit system had performed intermittently and had continued to deteriorate resulting in a loss of revenue.  As a result a new 1st line maintenance contract had been put in place and was showing positive results in helping to reduce the downtime of the system.

(ii)      Work was also underway to research a new system and produce a specification for tender. This will recognise that customers require a parking system that increases dwell time in the city centre and avoid them having to come back to top up their parking, which was a view supported by the York BID.


The Executive Member considered a report which provided an update on the parking system in Marygate car park, specifically the pay on exit trial with a focus on the issues raised during the trial. The report detailed what measures had been put in place already to help mitigate against the significant down time experienced over the years of the system being in place which had become increasing worse during the past year due to general wear and tear. The report also detailed work being undertaken to find a suitable replacement the system.

Officers acknowledged the comments made by Councillor Craghill with regard to the need to take a strategic look at the future of all City of York Council car parks.

They confirmed that a new system to replace the current system needed procuring in line with encouraging increased dwell time in the city centre, which was supported by York BID. In the meantime, however, a first line maintenance contract for the current system was now in place and performing well and reducing downtime.

The Executive Member expressed his support for the proposals and expressed his desire for officers to investigate options over the next few years for car park systems to become cashless.


(i)      That the updates provided in the report of the Marygate car park system and what has been put in place to improve its operation, be noted.

(ii)      That work should be started on options for replacing the current system.

(iii)     That it be agreed that the trial continues with the new 1st line maintenance regime in place and monitor the effectiveness of it and bring back a report at a later date to the Executive Member to update on the progress made and request the procurement of a new system(s) be taken forward with any supporting recommendations at that time.


(i)      The council recognises that the pay on exit system had performed intermittently and had continued to deteriorate resulting in a loss of revenue.  As a result a new 1st line maintenance contract had been put in place and was showing positive results in helping to reduce the downtime of the system.

(ii)      Work was also underway to research a new system and produce a specification for tender. This will recognise that customers require a parking system that increases dwell time in the city centre and avoid them having to come back to top up their parking, which was a view supported by the York BID.



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