Issue - meetings

A Board Policy – Review of Implementation

Meeting: 13/09/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 29)

29 Advertising Boards ("A" Boards) on the Public Highway pdf icon PDF 325 KB

This report provides an update on the policy which was introduced in February 2017 which prohibits the placement of advertising boards and similar materials on the public highway within the Business Improvement District (BID) boundary of the city centre.


Additional documents:


Resolved: That the Executive Member approves:

(i)      the continuation of the prohibition policy on ‘A’ Boards consistent with the policy and the geographical area remaining the same (BID boundary)

(ii)      the continuation of the licensing procedures available to any business situated along Micklegate, as again defined in the policy street map. The licensing fee will be included in the annual review of fees and charges.

(iii)     that outside of the BID boundary, no formal policy is to be introduced. However, in line with extant duty and responsibility (under the provisos of the Highways Act 1980 and the Equality Act 2010) that officers will continue to monitor and take any appropriative action with regards to ‘A’ Boards, considered to be impacting on the use of the public highway, in all other areas within the authority boundary

(iv)    that officers ensure that the continuation of the policy within the BID boundary is communicated through appropriate channels, including directly with the BID, Make it York and York Retail Forum.



(i)      To continue to provide adequate control of the many and varied obstructions (particularly for those with impaired mobility for example, blind and/or partially sighted) temporarily located on the public highway. This taking into account of the Council’s responsibilities under the Highways Act 1980, the Equality Act 2010 and Town & Country Planning Act 1990.


(ii)      To mitigate the impact on the visual amenity of the conservation area and setting of the many listed buildings in the city centre.


(iii)     To contribute to the removal of street clutter, improve the street scene and public realm.



The Executive Member considered a report which provided an update on the policy which was introduced in February 2017 prohibiting the placement of advertising boards and similar materials on the public highway within the Business Improvement District (BID) boundary of the city centre.


The report included a summary of how the policy has been implemented, with reference to the operation day to day and any enforcement work as well as details of further engagement which has taken place with key stakeholders. It was noted that Micklegate was designated as an exception within the zone due to its different physical characteristics (wider footways) and much lesser footfall and the report commented upon the licensing arrangements in place. It also provided an update on review of advert board material outside of the city centre zone.


Officers confirmed that compliance with the policy was being monitored and was so far operating successfully with only a small number of complaints being received or instances of non-compliance.


Resolved: That the Executive Member approves:

(i)      the continuation of the prohibition policy on ‘A’ Boards consistent with the policy and the geographical area remaining the same (BID boundary)

(ii)      the continuation of the licensing procedures available to any business situated along Micklegate, as again defined in the policy street map. The licensing fee will be included in the annual review of fees and charges.

(iii)     that outside of the BID boundary, no formal policy is to be introduced. However, in line with extant duty and responsibility (under the provisos of the Highways Act 1980 and the Equality Act 2010) that officers will continue to monitor and take any appropriative action with regards to ‘A’ Boards, considered to be impacting on the use of the public highway, in all other areas within the authority boundary

(iv)    that officers ensure that the continuation of the policy within the BID boundary is communicated through appropriate channels, including directly with the BID, Make it York and York Retail Forum.



(i)      To continue to provide adequate control of the many and varied obstructions (particularly for those with impaired mobility for example, blind and/or partially sighted) temporarily located on the public highway. This taking into account of the Council’s responsibilities under the Highways Act 1980, the Equality Act 2010 and Town & Country Planning Act 1990.


(ii)      To mitigate the impact on the visual amenity of the conservation area and setting of the many listed buildings in the city centre.


(iii)     To contribute to the removal of street clutter, improve the street scene and public realm.



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