Issue - meetings

Osbaldwick 20mph Petition

Meeting: 15/02/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 62)

62 Osbaldwick 20mph Petition pdf icon PDF 180 KB

The Executive Member is asked to consider a petition submitted by Cllr Warters on behalf of residents of Osbaldwick village requesting the removal of the 20mph speed limit.


Resolved:      (a) To undertake a speed survey of traffic in Osbaldwick in an area/s determined in consultation with ward councillors and to defer further decision regarding the retention of the 20mph speed limit until such a survey has been undertaken.


(b) To review the provision of the existing signs in Osbaldwick to determine if there are any that could be removed and still comply with the signing regulations/guidance.


Reason          (a) To recognise the need for a base measure of speed in the area to support informed decision making.


(b) To reduce street clutter and future maintenance costs


Cllr Warters, as ward councillor, spoke in support of the petition he had submitted. He reported that it was the wish of the village to remove the 20mph restrictions and that the given reasons for retaining them were not grounded in evidence. He asked that, should the restrictions be retained, the area be expanded with signs placed only at the boundary of the restricted area.


The officer reported that recommended procedures had been followed in implementing the speed restrictions. It was confirmed that no speed surveys had been conducted in the area before or after the implementation of the restrictions.


The Executive Member considered the report and the comments of the ward councillor and officer. He acknowledged concerns with the unsightly restriction signs and the original rationale for implementing the restrictions. He also expressed concern that the council may be held responsible for any road collisions that occurred after the removal of the restrictions. To address these issues, he made the following decision:


Resolved:  (a) To undertake a speed survey of traffic in Osbaldwick in an area/s determined in consultation with ward councillors and to defer further decision regarding the retention of the 20mph speed limit until such a survey has been undertaken.


(b) To review the provision of the existing signs in Osbaldwick to determine if there are any that could be removed and still comply with the signing regulations/guidance.


Reason      (a) To recognise the need for a base measure of speed in the area to support informed decision making.


(b) To reduce street clutter and future maintenance costs



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