Issue - meetings

South Bank Avenue - Petition

Meeting: 15/02/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 61)

61 South Bank Avenue - Petition pdf icon PDF 453 KB

The Executive Member is asked to consider a petition submitted by residents of South Bank Avenue objecting to the introduction of a residents parking scheme on part of South Bank Avenue.


Resolved:      (a) To revise the decision to implement the residents parking scheme on the whole of South Bank Avenue and instead reduce the proposed boundary to that shown in Annex C of the report.


                        (b) To include the residents in an extended boundary of the new scheme if residents subsequently make an approach for inclusion in a residents parking scheme.


Reason:         (a) To better reflect the wishes of local residents.


                        (b) To be more responsive to residents needs.


Mr Tony Piper, as lead petitioner and resident, stated his support for the officer recommendations within the report.


Mr Norman Maitland, resident, spoke in support of the report’s recommendations and asked that the scheme be implemented as soon as possible as the approaching school holidays would cause increased parking nuisance.


The Executive Member considered the report and the comments made by members of the public, and agreed Options 3 and 4 as recommended. In response to public concerns it was agreed that option 3 would be actioned as soon as practicable and within three months.


Resolved:  (a) To revise the decision to implement the residents parking scheme on the whole of South Bank Avenue and instead reduce the proposed boundary to that shown in Annex C of the report.


                   (b) To include the residents in an extended boundary of the new scheme if residents subsequently make an approach for inclusion in a residents parking scheme.


Reason:     (a) To better reflect the wishes of local residents.


                   (b) To be more responsive to residents needs.



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