Issue - meetings

Consideration of the objections received to the advertised proposal to amend the Traffic Regulation Order to include Residents’ Priority Parking in the Micklegate Ward for: South Bank Avenue;Bishopthorpe Road from Butcher Terrace to Reginald’s Grove;

Meeting: 16/11/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 44)

44 Consideration of the objections received to the advertised proposal to amend the Traffic Regulation Order to include Residents’ Priority Parking in the Micklegate Ward for: South Bank Avenue; St Aubyn's Place; and Bishopthorpe Road from Butcher Terrace to Reginald’s Grove pdf icon PDF 316 KB

This report sets out the formal objections received within the legal advertising period to the proposed extension of three separate Residents’ Priority Parking Schemes and requests an agreement to take forward the recommended option for each area.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  To implement the advertised proposals to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to extend three existing Residents Priority Parking Areas to include the following:


i.             South Bank Avenue within R57C

ii.            St Aubyn’s Place within R59

iii.           Bishopthorpe Road area within R58C with an amendment to the advertised boundary and with a view to carrying out a formal consultation with further residents on Bishopthorpe Road (part) after the agreed amended scheme has been implemented. The extent of properties will be in agreement with the Executive Member for Transport and Planning.


Reason:     To progress the majority views of residents consulted and to take into account the second petition received to exclude part of Bishopthorpe Road.


The Executive Member considered a report on a proposal to extend the following three existing Resident Priority Parking Areas:


·        South Bank Avenue within R57C

·        St Aubyn’s Place within R59

·        Bishopthorpe Road area within R58C


South Bank Avenue


Tony Piper, a resident of South Bank Avenue, presented the results of a resident survey which suggested those living at the top end of the street were opposed to the parking scheme. He asked that this part of the street was excluded from the proposal.


The officer reported that this would be possible but would be likely to cause a displacement of parked cars. Option one (to implement the scheme) was approved. Option two (to implement a separate scheme) and Option three (to take no action) were rejected because they did not meet the needs of residents and would not effectively improve parking arrangements.


St Aubyn’s Place


Peter Cook, as lead petitioner, reported that the proposed scheme was required as the street was routinely used for parking by shoppers, commuters and local trades people and that irresponsible parking routinely led to damage of vehicles.


The Chair reported that there was ongoing communication with North Yorkshire Police about approaches to preventing cars from being parking on pavements. Option one (to implement the scheme) was approved. Option two (to implement a separate scheme) was rejected because it would delay the implementation of the scheme and would not provide sufficient flexibility for resident parking.


Bishopthorpe Road area


Jenny Dunning, a resident of Bishopthorpe Road, reported that the proposal to restrict parking on only one side of Bishopthorpe Road would further increase problem parking on the unrestricted side, and asked that residents of this later side of the road be consulted before implementing the scheme.


The officer reported that the houses in question had been excluded following consultation but that Option Two of the report would enable both sides of Bishopthorpe Road to be excluded and (if required) added in at a later stage after further consultation had been undertaken. This option was approved. Option One (to implement the scheme as advertised), Option Three (to delay implementation of the whole scheme to allow for further consultation) and Option four (to take no further action) were rejected as they would not meet the needs of residents or would delay implementation of the scheme.


Resolved:  To implement the advertised proposals to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to extend three existing Residents Priority Parking Areas to include the following:


i.             South Bank Avenue within R57C

ii.            St Aubyn’s Place within R59

iii.           Bishopthorpe Road area within R58C with an amendment to the advertised boundary and with a view to carrying out a formal consultation with further residents on Bishopthorpe Road (part) after the agreed amended scheme has been implemented. The extent of properties will be in agreement with the Executive Member for Transport and Planning.


Reason:     To progress the majority views of residents consulted and to take into account the second petition received to exclude  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44


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