Issue - meetings

Consideration of the Objections Received to the Advertised Proposal to Amend the Traffic Regulation Order to include Residents’ Priority Parking in the Holgate Ward for: Holgate Central

Meeting: 16/11/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 45)

45 Consideration of the objections received to the advertised proposal to amend the Traffic Regulation Order to include Residents’ Priority Parking in the Holgate Ward for: Holgate Central pdf icon PDF 187 KB

This reports sets out the objections received within the legal consultation period to the advertised proposal to amend the Traffic Regulation Order to include Residents’ Priority Parking in the Holgate Ward for (Holgate Central) and requests a decision from the options given.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  To approve the implementation of the advertised proposal to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a Residents’ Priority Parking Area in Holgate Central, with a concession for the property on Enfield Crescent (private street) as outlined in Annex C of the report.


Reason:     To progress the majority views of the residents consulted and to take into consideration the needs of the schools and churches in the area.


The Executive Member considered a proposal for a Residents’ Priority Parking Scheme in Holgate Central.


Philip Hunter, representing the Spiritualist Centre, asked that the proposed scheme be restricted to between 9am and 5pm to enable public parking during evening services.


Francesca Glyn-Jones, a resident of Enfield Crescent, explained the exceptional circumstances regarding parking arrangements for her property and asked that residents of the property be entitled to a parking permit.


The officer confirmed that there were exceptional circumstances regarding the property on Enfield Crescent but that it was not practical to include the property within the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). He therefore proposed the use of an existing delegated power within the TRO to issue a permit to the property. He also explained that exceptions were already in place for funeral and wedding cars and that, if given advance notice, the parking team would be made aware.


Option one (to implement the scheme) was approved.


Resolved:  To approve the implementation of the advertised proposal to amend the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a Residents’ Priority Parking Area in the Holgate Ward, with a concession for the property on Enfield Crescent (private street) as outlined in Annex C of the report.


Reason:     To progress the majority views of the residents consulted and to take into consideration the needs of the schools and churches in the area.



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