Issue - meetings

Consideration of the results of the consultation process reference Residents’ Priority Parking in the following areas: St Peter’s Quarter, South Bank Avenue (R57 Extension), Bishopthorpe Road (R58C Extension), St Aubyns Place

Meeting: 22/06/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 6)

6 Consideration of results from the consultations in various areas following petitions received requesting Residents' Priority Parking pdf icon PDF 177 KB

This report presents the consultation results for four different areas (South Bank Avenue; St Aubyn’s Place; Beresford Terrace area; St Peter’s Quarter, Martins Court and Carleton Street) undertaken between February and April and determines what action is appropriate.


Additional documents:



That  an amendment to the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order, to introduce Residents’ Priority Parking Areas for the following, be advertised for the following areas:

South Bank Avenue – (Option 1 be agreed, to advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to extend the existing R57 residents priority parking scheme to include No’s 1 – 108 South Bank Avenue, 64 Nunthorpe Grove and 147 – 149 Bishopthorpe Road, to create a new larger zone boundary as per plan in Annex A1(A) in addition convert the whole zone to Community – R57C, this enables businesses to purchase permits for the zone. 

Reason: This is the recommended option because it reflects the majority view of all residents consulted as a whole and removes the likelihood of problems relocating further up South Bank Avenue.

St Aubyn’s Place – (Option 1 be agreed, to advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to include a Residents’ Priority Parking Area for St Aubyn’s Place to operate between 9am and 5pm, 7 days a week.

Reason: This is the recommended option because it reflects the majority opinion.

Beresford Terrace area – (Option 1be agreed, to advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to extend the existing R58C residents parking zone to include the whole consultation area. This would create one large zone as per plan in Annex C1(A).

Reason: This is the recommended option as it reflects the majority view of all residents consulted as a whole. By introducing one large zone this increases the on street parking available to residents.

St Peter’s Quarter, Martins Court and Carleton Street – (Option 1 be agreed, to advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to include a Residents Priority Parking Area for the St Peter’s Quarter development only.

Martins Court and Carleton Street; No further action at this time.  If residents of these streets raise a petition requesting resident parking within 18 months of any implementation of a scheme on St Peter’s Quarter we request authorisation to undertake additional consultation at that time with a view to adding them to the same scheme.

Advertise a proposal to include No Waiting at any Time restrictions (double yellow lines) at the entrance to the development and in the fountain turning area as shown on the plan at Annex D4.

Reason: This is the recommended option because it reflects the majority view of residents from the streets consulted.



The Executive Member considered a report which provided the consultation results for the possible introduction of residents parking in South Bank Avenue; St Aubyn’s Place; Beresford Terrace area; and St Peter’s Quarter, Martins Court and Carleton Street. Consultation had been undertaken in all four areas between February and April 2017 to determine what action was appropriate.


Six people had registered to speak under public participation with regard to the results of the consultation.


Laura Kent spoke in support of the introduction of residents parking in response to parking issues in South Bank. As a residentof Bishopthorpe Road, she requested that house numbers 151 and 153 be included as she lived in a row of 3 houses and 149 had been included in the consultation but 151 and 153 had not.

Mike Bainbridge also spoke as a resident of Bishopthorpe Road in relation to residents parking. He expressed his support for the introduction of residents parking giving examples of abuse of on street parking which had occurred to date. 

Mrs Walker spoke in objection to the proposed changes on St Aubyn’s Place. As an elderly resident, she expressed concerns that, if a residents parking scheme was introduced, she would have to pay for people to be able to park to come and visit and provide her with help.

Peter O’Reilly spoke in support of the proposals for St Martin’s Court, St Peter’s Quarter. He stated that there had been several near accidents as a result of children playing out and although there were currently signs stating it was residents parking only, cars were frequently observed being left there by those working in the city centre.

Peter Emsley spoke in relation to Phoenix Boulevard in St Peter’s Quarter. He stated that there continued to be a safety issue and asked that this be kept under review and requested that speed restriction signs be considered.

Councillor Mary Cannon spoke as  Holgate Ward Councillor. She expressed her support for residents’ approach to the introduction of residents parking. She thanked officers for their hard work in relation to the proposals and gave her support for the implementation of 24 hour restrictions.

The Executive Member considered options as follows for each of the four areas:

South Bank Avenue

·        Option 1, to advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to extend the existing R57 residents priority parking scheme to include No’s 1 – 108 South Bank Avenue, 64 Nunthorpe Grove and 147 – 153 Bishopthorpe Road, to create a new larger zone boundary as per plan in Annex A1(A) in addition convert the whole zone to Community – R57C, this enables businesses to purchase permits for the zone. 

·        Option 2, to advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to extend the existing R57 residents priority parking scheme to include consulted properties up to Trafalgar Street only, the section of street that the petition represented. In addition convert the zone to Community – R57C, this enables included businesses to purchase permits for the zone.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6


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