Issue - meetings

Fourth Avenue Lay-by Scheme

Meeting: 09/02/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 55)

55 Better Bus Area Programme- Fourth Avenue Lay-bys pdf icon PDF 199 KB

This report updates the Executive Member on progress with a small scheme to construct a series of lay-bys on Fourth Avenue. 

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Resolved: That progress with the scheme be noted and the proposal to proceed with the scheme’s construction be supported.


Reason: To improve the reliability of bus services on Fourth Avenue and to reduce occasions when parked cars on Fourth Avenue are struck by moving vehicles.



The Executive Member received a report which updated him on progress with a small scheme to construct a series of lay-bys on Fourth Avenue.  He was informed that the lay-bys were needed as parked cars can make it impossible for larger vehicles to pass along Fourth Avenue.  It also caused disruption for bus services and made other activities, such as refuse collection, difficult.


It was noted that there had been broad consultation and no opposition to the scheme.


Resolved: That progress with the scheme be noted and the proposal to proceed with the scheme’s construction be supported.


Reason: To improve the reliability of bus services on Fourth Avenue and to reduce occasions when parked cars on Fourth Avenue are struck by moving vehicles.



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