Issue - meetings

Consideration of representations (objections) received to the proposed amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order in respect of Opus Avenue, White Rose Way and White Rose Close

Meeting: 09/02/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 56)

56 Consideration of Objections received to the proposed amendments to the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order 2014: Proposed no waiting at any time restrictions (double yellow lines) on Opus Avenue, White Rose Way and White Rose Close pdf icon PDF 90 KB

This report concerns a proposal for a no waiting at any time restriction (double yellow lines) on Opus Avenue, White Rose Way and White Rose Close.

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Resolved:  To implement the proposal as advertised subject to the confirmation that the off road compound has been made available by Arnold Clarkto other businesses on the site.


Reason:     To remove the obstruction caused by parked vehicles and enable better access for car transporters and other HGV.



The Executive Member considered a report which asked him to agree to implement a an amendment to the York, Stopping Parking and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to introduce waiting restrictions (yellow lines) to enable larger vehicles (car transporters) to access development site on York Business Park.


The Executive Member stated that as a Ward Councillor he had concerns about the original planning decision and the condition attached. He felt that if he agreed to a TRO he would displace the cars that were already parked on the pavements and the roundabout to surrounding streets and that he could not go against a planning condition. He therefore had entered into discussions with Arnold Clark who would offer to a secure off road car parking compound for 30-40 cars. All vehicle owners that used this facility would have to sign a disclaimer to say that they parked there at their own risk.


The Executive Member considered all the comments made by the public speakers before coming to his decision. He underlined that the current state of parking on the pavements could not continue as it was illegal. He felt that further discussions were needed with Arnold Clark and businesses on the site in regards to the off road compound, but by implementing the proposal he would not be favouring one business over another.


Resolved:  To implement the proposal as advertised subject to the confirmation that the off road compound has been made available by Arnold Clarkto other businesses on the site.


Reason:     To remove the obstruction caused by parked vehicles and enable better access for car transporters and other HGV.



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