Issue - meetings

The Racecourse and Terry's Factory Conservation Area Character Appraisal - Consultation Draft

Meeting: 27/07/2006 - Planning Committee (Item 14)

14 The Racecourse and Terry's Factory Conservation Area Character Appraisal - Consultation Draft pdf icon PDF 45 KB

This report requests Members to approve a draft consultation character appraisal for the Racecourse and Terry’s Factory Conservation Area, for consultation.  This document is contained within Annex C.



Annex C to this report has colour maps, photos and plans. Colour copies of this are available as follows:

  • Online at (see meetings).
  • For inspection upon request at the Guildhall, St Helen’s Square, York, YO1 9QN. Please ask for Rowan Hindley.
  • A copy is available in the Members Library for Members.

Colour copies will be available at the meeting.

Additional documents:


Members received a report which sought their approval of a draft character appraisal for the Racecourse and Terry’s Factory Conservation Area, for consultation.  This document was attached as Annex C of the report.


A copy of the consultation leaflet was circulated to Members.  Members proposed a number of amendments to the draft character appraisal and the consultation process, as set out below.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Racecourse and Terry’s Factory Conservation Area Character Appraisal (Consultation Draft), attached at Annex C of the report, be approved for use as a consultation documents, with the following amendments:


(a)   To include reference to the clock mechanism in the Terry’s clock tower;


(b)   To include reference to views from the river;


(c)   To include reference to views from National Cycle Route 66;


(d)   To include reference to views from Bishopthorpe Road;


(e)   To include reference to the views of local residents from nearby roads, such as Campleshon Road and Albemarle Road;


(f)     To include reference to the views of local residents from Mount Vale Road;


(g)   To amend paragraph 2.10 to clarify that changes to the conservation area boundaries were not recommended;


(h)   To correct paragraph 8.01 to state that Park Pavilion Field was to the east of Racecourse Road;


(i)     To make reference to the Knavesmire being part of Micklegate Stray;


(j)      To change the format for chapter numbering from 1.0, 2.0, etc to 1, 2, etc;


(k)   To refer to photographs as “plates” rather than “figures”;


(l)      To append all of the maps at the end of the document, so that they are easy to locate;


(m)To investigate the options available for colour printing within the available budget, or, if this was not possible, to improve the black and white print quality of the photographs;


(n)   To correct any typographical or grammatical errors;


(ii)That a map showing the properties to be consulted be circulated to Committee Members and local Ward Members, to allow suggestions to be submitted for the inclusion of additional streets;


(iii)That the following groups and organisations be included in the consultation:


(a)   Small businesses;


(b)   Organisations representing the hotel trade;


(c)   Sustrans;


(d)   British Waterways and other organisations representing river users;


(e)   Residents of houseboats;


(f)     Fulford Parish Council;


(iv)              That the consultation leaflet be amended to include:


(a)   The times and venues of the masterplanning events that the developer was holding;


                        (b) A question as to whether the conservation area boundary should be changed;


(v)          That the consultation period be extended to mid-September.


REASON:(a) To provide a thorough analysis of the character of the Conservation Area, in line with current guidance from English Heritage, and to provide a clearly written consultation document, which is capable of amendment where required;


(b)         Following formal adoption of the final document, to help the formulation and determination of development proposals within the conservation area and especially the Terry’s Factory site;


(c)         To help the Council meet the yearly targets set by BVPI 219b (percentage of conservation areas in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14


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