Issue - meetings

2014/15 City and Environmental Services (CES) Capital Programme Budget Report

Meeting: 10/04/2014 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 48)

48 City and Environmental Services Capital Programme - 2014/15 Budget Report pdf icon PDF 104 KB

This report sets out the funding sources for the City and Environmental Services Transport Capital Programme, and the proposed schemes to be delivered in 2014/15. The report covers the Integrated Transport and City and Environmental Services Maintenance allocations.


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Resolved:  That the proposed 2014/15 City and Environmental Services Capital Programme, as set out in the report and at Annex 1, be approved.


Reason:     To implement the Council’s transport strategy identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the Council’s Transport Programme.





The Cabinet Member considered a report that set out the funding sources for the City and Environmental Services Transport Capital Programme, and the proposed schemes to be delivered in 2014/15.  The report covered the Integrated Transport and City and Environmental Services maintenance allocations. 


The proposed programme of schemes had been developed to implement the priorities of the Local Transport Plan and the Council Plan.


The Cabinet Member stated that the roll out of the 20mph programme would improve the quality of life for residents as well as improving safety.  The programme was being carried out within national guidance and statutory consultation was involved in the process.


The Cabinet Member agreed that if additional external funding became available for the Rufforth-Knapton cycle route the “future scheme development” allocation would be increased accordingly. 


Resolved:  That the proposed 2014/15 City and Environmental Services Capital Programme, as set out in the report and at Annex 1, be approved.


Reason:     To implement the Council’s transport strategy identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the Council’s Transport Programme.





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