Issue - meetings

City of York Council, North Yorkshire County Council and North York Moors National Park Minerals and Waste Joint Plan

Meeting: 16/12/2014 - Executive (Item 68)

68 Minerals and Waste Joint Plan: Interim Sites Consultation pdf icon PDF 116 KB

This report advises Members of the current position with regard to the progress of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan for North Yorkshire, York and North York Moors and to seek approval in respect of the Additional or Revised Sites consultation for the purposes of public consultation.


Additional documents:




Resolved: That in accordance with Option One Cabinet agree to:


(i)           Note the current position of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan and to:


(ii)          Approve the Joint Minerals and Waste Plan Additional or Revised Sites documents for the purposes of public consultation.


(iii)        Give authorisation to the Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning & Economic Development to make non-substantive editorial changes to the draft consultation documents prior to publication.


Reason:    So that the document can progress to public consultation.



Consideration was given to a report which advised Members of the current position regarding progress with the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan for North Yorkshire, York and North York Moors. The report sought approval in respect of the Additional and Revised Sites consultation document, at Annex A of the report, for public consultation.


Details included the following three sites in the York area together with the key public consultation stages:

·        HarewoodWhin, Rufforth

·        North Selby Mine, Escrick

·        Dutton Farm, Upper Poppleton


The Cabinet Member referred to the extension of  the Harewood Whin site, for which planning permission had already been granted to allow for improved waste recovery facilities. He also asked Members to note that public consultation on the revised sites would now be delayed until January 2015.


Consideration was also given to the following options:


Option 1 – note the content of the Joint Minerals and Waste Plan Additional or Revised Sites documents and approve them for the purpose of public consultation.


Option 2 – note the content of the Joint Minerals and Waste Plan Additional or Revised Sites documents and, subject to a number of changes in response to discussion at this session, approve them for the purpose of public consultation.


Option 3 – reject the Joint Mineral and Waste Plan Additional or Revised Sites documents and defer consultation.


Resolved: That in accordance with Option One Cabinet agree to:


(i)           Note the current position of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan and to:


(ii)          Approve the Joint Minerals and Waste Plan Additional or Revised Sites documents for the purposes of public consultation.


(iii)        Give authorisation to the Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning & Economic Development to make non-substantive editorial changes to the draft consultation documents prior to publication.1.



Reason:    So that the document can progress to public consultation.


Meeting: 16/01/2014 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 36)

36 City of York Council, North Yorkshire County Council and North York Moors National Park Minerals and Waste Joint Plan pdf icon PDF 96 KB

The purpose of this report is to advise the Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning and Sustainability of the current position with regard to the progress of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan for North Yorkshire, York and North York Moors and to seek approval in respect of the Issues and Options consultation documents  (Annex A) for the purposes of public consultation.


Additional documents:


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member:



ii.            Noted the current position of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan.


ii.            Approved the officers new schedule, which incorporated the two schedules circulated at the Local Plan Working Group meeting and the amendments agreed by the working group, along with some further minor amendments (new schedule attached to these minutes).


iii.           Approved the necessary and associated documents for the purposes of public consultation; and


iv.          Agreed to make any appropriate incidental changes arising from point (ii) above or minor changes.



Reason:              So that the Plan can progress to public consultation.




The Cabinet Member considered a report which advised of the current position with the progress on the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan for North Yorkshire, York and North York Moors. The report had been to the Local Plan Working Group for comments and now approval was being sought from the Cabinet Member for the Issues and Options consultations documents for the purposes of public consultation.


The Cabinet Member had the following additional comments following the addition of the Local Plan Working Groups comments to the document:

·        Pages 102 of Annex A – add the words ‘to encourage and promote’.

·        Pages 103-106 – explain the limitations resulting from Government guidance and legislative constraints in relation to types of exploration techniques for shale gas and other fossil fuels and the associated processing including waste water. Details to be provided on the Councils website.

·        Page 123 – the proposed 3rd Option as recommended by the Local Plan Working Group, the changes refer to option 2 also.

·        Page 153 - Waste and Waste Hierarchy– flag up that opportunities should be taken where possible to group activities on existing sites.


The Cabinet Member thanked Officers for their work on the document.


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member:



ii.            Noted the current position of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan.


ii.            Approved the officers new schedule, which incorporated the two schedules circulated at the Local Plan Working Group meeting and the amendments agreed by the working group, along with some further minor amendments (new schedule attached to these minutes).


iii.           Approved the necessary and associated documents for the purposes of public consultation; and


iv.          Agreed to make any appropriate incidental changes arising from point (ii) above or minor changes.



Reason:              So that the Plan can progress to public consultation.




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