Issue - meetings

Review of Home to School Transport Policy

Meeting: 15/01/2014 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Children Young People and Education (Item 8)

8 Review of Home to School/College Transport Policy (16-25 year olds - Post Maintained) pdf icon PDF 96 KB

The Cabinet Member is asked to consider consulting on changes to the Local Authority’s (LA) home to school/college post maintained transport policy from September 2014 in response to the introduction of the single Education, Health and Care plan (for ages 0-25) alongside the new 0 – 25 Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice and Children and Families Bill.

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Resolved:  That the commencement of consultation to make changes from September 2014 to the home to school/college transport policy 16-25 post maintained be deferred until the new SEN Code of Practice and guidance had been received.  In the event that this had not been received by 1 April 2014, the consultation should commence at that stage.


Reason:     To achieve budget saving targets.


The Cabinet Member considered a report that detailed proposals to consult on changes to the Local Authority’s home to school/college post maintained transport policy from September 2014.  This was in response to the introduction of the single Education, Health and Care plan (for ages 0-25) alongside the new 0-25 Special Educational Needs Code of Practice and Children and Families Bill.


Officers advised that the reference to “high needs” should be removed from the report.  


It was noted that publication of the revised SEN Code of Practice and accompanying guidance were still awaited.  Although it was possible that they could be published in March 2014,  this could not be guaranteed.


The Cabinet Member considered the options set out in paragraph 8 of the report.  She stated that, in view of the possibility that the revised SEN Code of Practice and accompanying guidance could be published in the near future, she was minded to defer the start of the consultation.  However, if the revised SEN Code of Practice had not been published by 1 April 2014, it would be necessary to commence the consultation at that stage.


Resolved:  That the commencement of consultation to make changes from September 2014 to the home to school/college transport policy 16-25 post maintained be deferred until the new SEN Code of Practice and guidance had been received.  In the event that this had not been received by 1 April 2014, the consultation should commence at that stage.


Reason:     To achieve budget saving targets.


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