Issue - meetings

'YorProperty' - The Introduction of a Voluntary Landlord Accreditation Scheme in York

Meeting: 30/07/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health (Item 8)

8 'YorProperty' - The Introduction of a Voluntary Landlord Accreditation Scheme in York pdf icon PDF 94 KB

This report leads on from the decision made at Cabinet on the 4 December approving the introduction of a Citywide Private Landlord Accreditation Scheme and provides an update on Scheme development.  It outlines proposals for the Scheme and a system to operate it.  It is suggested that the Scheme is launched in July with a view to going “live” in August.


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RESOLVED: That the implementation of the Landlord Accreditation Scheme as outlined in the report be approved and the Cabinet Member be advised of the final scheme details prior to launch.


REASON: To ensure the operation of an effective, fit for purpose accreditation scheme in order to support private rented sector in York.


The Cabinet Member considered a report that introduced “YorProperty” a voluntary Landlord Accreditation Scheme which would support the private rented sector in York.


Officers gave an update and confirmed that they had already received some interest from local landlords who particularly liked Localpad, the web based property management system approach and that the scheme would be launched mid September 2013.


The Cabinet Member stated that Councillors across the country were encouraging Local Authorities to introduce a Voluntary Landlord Accreditations Scheme. The scheme would improve the private rented sector, give those letting confidence in their property and allow people to live in a decent standard of accommodation.


RESOLVED:       That the implementation of the Landlord Accreditation Scheme as outlined in the report be approved and the Cabinet Member be advised of the final scheme details prior to launch.



REASON:           To ensure the operation of an effective, fit for purpose accreditation scheme in order to support private rented sector in York.


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