Issue - meetings

Petition to Secure a Ride Around for £1 Deal on Bus Transport for all Young People of York

Meeting: 04/09/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 15)

15 Petition to secure a ride around for £1 deal on bus transport for all young people of York pdf icon PDF 101 KB

A petition was presented to Council last year requesting a scheme to provide unlimited travel for young people to “ride around for a £1” on York’s bus network at weekends and during school holidays. This report outlines steps which have been taken since the petition was presented to make improvements to the cost of bus travel for young people in the York area.

Additional documents:


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member:




(i)           Noted that Bus Operators agreed the introduction of a discounted multi-operator ‘All York’ day ticket for 11-18 year olds for August 2013 (£1 cheaper than the normal All York 11-16 price).


(ii)          Noted that in line with widespread ambitions, City of York Council will introduce and distribute a 16-18 year old ‘YOzone’ proof of age card to enable operators to deliver a discount to this age range.


(iii)        Noted that City of York Council will continue to work with bus operators and other partners (eg the York Youth Council) to establish opportunities for further possible bus service and ticketing improvements.


(iv)        Endorsed further efforts by Officers to secure the ‘All York’ ticket for all school holidays.



Reason:           This course of action will allow the Council to continue to work towards its stated aim of delivering a step change improvement to the bus network and will support the use of bus services by young people.








The Cabinet Member considered a report which highlighted the steps that had been taken since a petition requesting that young people be able to ‘ride around for £1’ was submitted in 2012.


Officers reported that there had been a yearly increase in children travelling on buses in York and July 2012 saw the introduction of the ‘All York’ ticket which enabled 11 to 18 year olds to travel all day for £1.30. September 2013 would see the launch of the 16-18 year old variant of the  Yozone’ proof of age card which will enable bus operators to offer a discount on adult fares.


The Cabinet Member welcomed the introduction of the ‘All York’ ticket and supported continued efforts by Officers and the Youth Council to secure the deal for all school holidays.


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member:




(i)           Noted that Bus Operators agreed the introduction of a discounted multi-operator ‘All York’ day ticket for 11-18 year olds for August 2013 (£1 cheaper than the normal All York 11-16 price).


(ii)          Noted that in line with widespread ambitions, City of York Council will introduce and distribute a 16-18 year old ‘YOzone’ proof of age card to enable operators to deliver a discount to this age range.


(iii)        Noted that City of York Council will continue to work with bus operators and other partners (eg the York Youth Council) to establish opportunities for further possible bus service and ticketing improvements.


(iv)        Endorsed further efforts by Officers to secure the ‘All York’ ticket for all school holidays.



Reason:           This course of action will allow the Council to continue to work towards its stated aim of delivering a step change improvement to the bus network and will support the use of bus services by young people.








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