Issue - meetings

Westminster Road Petition

Meeting: 20/06/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 4)

4 Westminster Road Petition pdf icon PDF 78 KB

The Cabinet Member is asked to consider options for taking forward to try to resolve the local residents concerns highlighted in the petition.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member approved Option 1 and noted the petition and the concerns of residents but that no action be taken to implement a road closure at this time.


REASON:                     Previous consultations regarding this matter indicated strong opposition to such a schemed and there have been no changes in the networks operation that would lead to a significant rise in use of that road as a through route.



Consideration was given to a report which presented a 79 signature petition from the residents of Westminster Road and The Avenue area requesting the closure of the route from Water End to Clifton and vice versa.


The Cabinet Member advised that whilst he noted the petition, there was currently no budget to carry out the changes requested by residents.


He noted comments submitted by Councillor D’Agorne and asked that traffic levels in the area be monitored once the Lendal Bridge changes are implemented and that a report be quickly brought back to a Decision Session if there is a significant impact.




RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member approved Option 1 and noted the petition and the concerns of residents but that no action be taken to implement a road closure at this time. The area will be kept under review once the Lendal Bridge changes are implemented and if there is an impact a report to be brought back to a Decision Session.


REASON:                     Previous consultations regarding this matter indicated strong opposition to such a schemed and there have been no changes in the networks operation that would lead to a significant rise in use of that road as a through route.


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