Issue - meetings

Public Rights of Way - Presentation of Petition for the Night Time Closure of Snickets off Ashbourne Way

Meeting: 18/04/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 42)

42 Public Rights of Way - Presentation of a Petition for the night time closure of snickets off Ashbourne Way. pdf icon PDF 126 KB

This report presents a petition submitted by a resident of Ashbourne Way, Acomb, York, requesting the night time closure of snickets off Ashbourne Way. The snickets in question are considered to be public highway and therefore a Gating Order(s) will be required to restrict public access.


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RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member chose Option 1 and did not progress the  for the night time closure of the snickets.



REASONS:                  (i)Crime and Anti Social Behaviour is unlikely to be significantly reduced if the routes are only closed at night time.


                                      (ii)A reasonably convenient alternative route is not available for either route.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which presented a petition requesting the night time closure of snickets off Ashbourne Way to help reduce the level of crime and anti social behaviour which is occurring in the area.


The Cabinet Member noted the comments made by Councillor Reid and advised that unfortunately he could not progress the request at this time. He acknowledged the difficulty in managing such requests with limited funding.



RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member chose Option 1 and did not progress the request for the night time closure of the snickets.



REASONS:                  (i)Crime and Anti Social Behaviour is unlikely to be significantly reduced if the routes are only closed at night time.


                                      (ii)A reasonably convenient alternative route is not available for either route.


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