Issue - meetings

A New Deal for York Foster Carers - Recognising and rewarding professional development

Meeting: 05/02/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Children Young People and Education (Item 14)

14 A New Deal for York Foster Carers - Recognising and rewarding professional development pdf icon PDF 114 KB

This report details the current fees and allowances scheme for foster carers and proposes the implementation of an accreditation scheme for foster carers with a professional development pathway and associated remuneration.

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RESOLVED:       That Option 2 in the report – the implementation of a new accreditation scheme with corresponding grading for foster carer’s skill, knowledge and experience be approved with effect from April 2013.


REASON:           The implementation of an accreditation scheme for foster carers will enhance their place in the Children’s Social Care Workforce and provide a platform for recruitment of new foster carers with a clear professional development pathway and associated remuneration.


The Cabinet Member considered a report that detailed the current fees and allowances scheme for foster carers and which proposed the implementation of an accreditation scheme for foster carers with a professional development pathway and associated remuneration.


The Cabinet Member considered the following options:


Option 1:    To continue the existing remuneration arrangements. 


Option 2:    To implement a new accredited scheme with corresponding grading for foster carers’ skill, knowledge and experience with effect from April 2013.  The remuneration arrangements for allowances and fees would enable a rationalisation under a single scheme.


The Cabinet Member noted that the proposed new scheme would ensure that there was a clearer set of expectations for foster carers as well as offering a professional development pathway with accredited training and a revised remuneration framework.


The Cabinet Member asked about the consultation that had taken place.  Officers gave details of the work that had been carried out and expressed their appreciation of the contribution made by the Chair of the Foster Carers Association.


Officers were asked about the financial implications, particularly if a significant number of carers progressed to become advanced foster carers.  They stated that indicative figures had been drawn up and that factors such as the likelihood that there would be travel in both directions had been taken into account.  The situation would, however, be closely monitored.   Officers also gave details of the arrangements that would be in place in respect of advanced carers with two or more placements.


RESOLVED:       That Option 2 in the report – the implementation of a new accreditation scheme with corresponding grading for foster carers’ skill, knowledge and experience be approved with effect from April 2013.


REASON:            The implementation of an accreditation scheme for foster carers will enhance their place in the Children’s Social Care Workforce and provide a platform for recruitment of new foster carers with a clear professional development pathway and associated remuneration.


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