Issue - meetings

St Nicholas Fields Funding Agreement

Meeting: 13/03/2012 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Communities (Item 39)

39 St Nicholas Fields Funding Agreement pdf icon PDF 84 KB

This report is brought to the Cabinet Member to seek approval for a three year funding agreement to 31.3.2015 with the Friends of St Nicholas Fields for the management, upkeep and animation of the St Nicholas Fields Local Nature Reserve.



RESOLVED: That Option 1 be approved:


To offer the Friends of St Nicolas Fields a three year funding agreement as set out in paragraphs 5, 7 and 8 for the management of St Nicholas Fields Local Nature Reserve.


Reason: To meet the ambitions of the Council Plan to support communities managing their own green spaces.


The Cabinet Member considered a report that sought approval for a three year funding  agreement to 31.5.2015 with the Friends of St Nicholas Fields for the management, upkeep and animation of the St Nicholas Fields Local Nature Reserve.


Officers gave an update and stated that the current funding would end on 31 March 2012.  Officers stated that the new funding amount was inline with changes to other recipients of Council grants and included an 8% cut in payment per annum. The impact of this would be delayed for six months until October 2012.


The Cabinet Member stated that the Friends of St Nicholas Fields do an exceptional job and agreed to option 1.


RESOLVED: That Option 1 be approved:


To offer the Friends of St Nicolas Fields a three year funding agreement as set out in paragraphs 5, 7 and 8 for the management of St Nicholas Fields Local Nature Reserve.


Reason: To meet the ambitions of the Council Plan to support communities managing their own green spaces.


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