Issue - meetings

Public Rights of Way - Petition requesting that public rights be restricted along the length of the snicket leading from Old Moor Lane to Moor Lane, Dringhouses using a Gating Order

Meeting: 03/11/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 45)

45 Public Rights of Way - Petition requesting that public rights be restricted along the length of the snicket leading from Old Moor Lane to Moor Lane, Dringhouses using a Gating Order pdf icon PDF 101 KB

This report is in response to the receipt of a petition signed by 10 residents of Old Moor Lane, York. The petition requests the closure of the footpath leading from Old Moor Lane railway bridge owing to recent incidences of crime and antisocial behaviour.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:             That a decision on whether to promote a gating order be deferred for 6 months in order to further review the incidence of anti social behaviour in the area and to allow time for a survey of public opinion, on the issue of snicket closure, to be undertaken.


REASON:                  To enable further investigations to be undertaken to assist the Executive Member in making a decision on the closure request.


The Executive Member considered a report prepared in response to receipt of a petition signed by 10 residents of Old Moor Lane, York. The petition requested that consideration be given to the closure of the footpath leading from Old Moor Lane to Moor Lane railway bridge owing to recent incidences of crime and antisocial behaviour (ASB).


Officers reported that due to the lack of evidence of persistent crime or ASB in the immediate area of the snicket, that the decision could be challenged if the proposal was progressed.


The Executive Member reported receipt of further representations from Cllr Reid, on behalf of all the Ward Member in favour of restricting public rights along the snicket.


Mr Aaron, made representations at the meeting on behalf of the 10 residents of Old Moor Lane who supported either the closure or gating of the snicket during night time hours. He stated that in a survey they had undertaken, less than 1% of local residents used this access and that the crime figures, detailed in the report, did not fully reflect the problems. He went onto describe the types of anti social behaviour and damage encountered in the area and pointed out that it was residents who kept the area tidy and removed any debris. He stated that the behaviour of others was causing misery to local residents.


Cllr Reid, confirmed that the original petition had been resident led and that it reflected the concerns of residents of Old Moor Lane, whose properties backed on to the snicket. She stated that residents were surprised at the low level of crime reported in the area. She pointed out that the study had taken place during works on Moor Lane bridge, which overlooked the area, and which may have discouraged anti social behaviour.She also referred to verbal comments she had received from other residents in the area that they would like to see the snicket closed at night to discourage people cutting through the residential area.In view of the continued concerns of residents she confirmed that Ward Members would be prepared to gather additional information in relation to this snicket for presentation to a future meeting to assist the Executive Member in making a more informed decision.


Officers stated that they only had details of reported crimes to take into account when considering the making of gating orders. If there were other incidences that they were unaware of they were unable to take these into consideration. They went onto refer to the Police monitoring arrangements for calls and suggested that residents should ensure that they obtained an incident report number to ensure that all incidents were logged.


The Executive Member then considered the following options and in light of representations made at the meeting: 

Option A.Do nothing and not progress the request to make a Gating Order to restrict public access along the footpath. This option is recommended.


Option B. Progress the request to make a Gating Order under S129 of the Highways  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45


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