Issue - meetings

A19 Fulford Road Corridor Update

Meeting: 07/07/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 14)

14 A19 Fulford Road Corridor Update pdf icon PDF 75 KB

This report is an update on progress with the development of proposals to improve the Fulford Road corridor and to seek a decision on a scheme for improvements to a section of Fulford Main Street to the Heslington Lane junction.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member for City Strategy:


i)                    Notes the contents of the report and its annexes.

ii)Agrees that Main Street (North) Option 3 as shown on Annex C should form the basis for the improvements to Fulford Main Street north of the Heslington Lane junction.


iii)Agrees that Heslington Lane Junction Option 2 as shown on Annex C should form the basis for the improvements to the Heslington Lane junction.


iv)                That officers use delegated powers to make any further minor changes to the layouts with the aim of satisfying, as far as possible, any outstanding concerns raised by members.



REASON:To improve conditions along this section of the corridor whilst addressing the concerns of Fulford Parish Council and local residents.


Consideration was given to a report which updated the Executive Member on progress with the development of proposals to improve the Fulford Road Corridor, in particular the section of Fulford Main Street to the north of Heslington Lane and Heslington Lane junction.


The Executive Member referred to further written representation he had received from:

  • Councillor D’Agorne who generally supported the conclusions in the report but was concerned that there were no proposed time limits for waiting in the parking bays.  He had also raised concerns regarding the proposed pavement widening in front of 15-21 Main Street.  Whilst agreeing that the pavement needed widening at the corner of Heslington Lane, he believed that the rest was of adequate width and it would be better for a 1.5m wide cycle lane to be installed instead.
  • Councillor Aspden supported the recommendations in the report but had been asked by the Parish Council to raise some questions with regards to the Fulford Park elements of the scheme prior to the meeting.  Officers had responded to the questions as follows:

-         It was the intention to retain the existing bus shelter pending further discussions regarding its possible refurbishment outside of the proposed improvement works and that the previous proposals for a new standard shelter at this location had been dropped.

-         The option to retain some parking on the western side near to Fulford Park would require a build-out to provide a suitable bus boarding point.  This was an essential feature of the proposed option in Annex C, unless the number of parking spaces to be provided was significantly reduced.

-         The narrowing at the entrance to Fulford Park had been reduced from that shown previously in view of local concerns.  The Council was keen to reduce the pedestrian crossing distance in view of concerns about the existing arrangements raised in an initial road safety audit, whilst taking account of the concerns about vehicle ingress and egress.  It was suggested that the proposed new kerb line be set out and discussed with Councillor Aspden prior to implementation.  Network Management had also indicated that they would consider a localised section of waiting restriction on Fulford Park near the junction if parked vehicles were making it difficult to get in and out.


Bryn Bircher, Main Street resident, spoke in support of Option 3. He stated that cycling had become easier since the route had been introduced and he looked forward to its extension.  The village was unique in that it was close to York but had a rural character.  It was therefore important that the improvements were also in keeping with the conservation area. 


Paul Hepworth, representing Cycling Touring Group, stated that continuity in cycle lane provision would encourage people to cycle rather than use a car.  He requested that although residents would like to see the parking bays retained this should not be at the expense of continuity in routes.


Verna Campbell, Chair of Fulford Parish Council, stated that the Parish Council was generally in favour  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14


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