Issue - meetings

Admission arrangements and admission limits for primary and secondary schools in York from September 2010

Meeting: 12/03/2009 - Executive Member for Children and Young People's Services and Advisory Panel (Item 57)

57 Admission arrangements and admission limits for primary and secondary schools in York from September 2010 pdf icon PDF 45 KB

The purpose of this report is:

  • To seek approval for the City of York coordinated schemes and admissions policies for both primary and secondary schools for the 2010/11 academic year.
  • To seek approval of the proposed individual school maximum admission limits for the academic year beginning in September 2010.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised


(i)                 That the City of York co-ordinated schemes and admission policies for both primary and secondary schools for the 2010/11 academic year, as set out in Annexes C-F of the report, be approved.


(ii)               That the proposed individual school maximum admission limits for the academic year beginning in September 2010, as set out in Annex B to the report, be approved.


(iii)             That, although the request for an increase in the admission number for Rufforth Primary School not be approved for the 2010/11 academic year, the pattern of admissions be kept under review.


(iv)              That, in respect of Manor CE School, Members recommended that the Admissions Policy for the school be considered by the Admissions Forum and that the Executive Member and Shadow Executive Member be involved in the officer consultations taking place regarding this matter.


Decision of the Executive Member


That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      To meet the statutory requirements of the School Admissions Code of Practice.


Members considered a report that sought approval for the co-ordinated schemes and admissions policies for both primary and secondary schools for the 2010/11 academic year and approval of the proposed individual school maximum admission limits for the academic year beginning in September 2010.


The Local Authority had consulted with relevant admissions authorities and the proposed admission arrangements had also been considered by the local Admissions Forum.


It was noted that Manor CE School was significantly oversubscribed and that some pupils from the local community were not being allocated a place.   It was proposed that a meeting of the Admissions Forum would be convened to give further consideration to the Admissions Policy for the school.


Consideration was given to Annex A of the report which detailed the arguments for and against the request by Rufforth Primary School to increase their admission limit from 10 to 12. Officers stated that although only a small increase was being requested, if this were to be granted it would have an impact on neighbouring primary schools.  To approve the request may also set a precedent for other schools.  There were no concerns regarding the viability of the school at its current level. 


 Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised


(i)                 That the City of York co-ordinated schemes and admission policies for both primary and secondary schools for the 2010/11 academic year, as set out in Annexes C-F of the report, be approved1.


(ii)               That the proposed individual school maximum admission limits for the academic year beginning in September 2010, as set out in Annex B to the report, be approved2.


(iii)             That, although the request for an increase in the admission number for Rufforth Primary School not be approved for the 2010/11 academic year, the pattern of admissions be kept under review3.


(iv)              That, in respect of Manor CE School, Members recommended that the Admissions Policy for the school be considered by the Admissions Forum and that officers be delegated the authority to make representations to the school regarding this matter following that meeting, in consultation with the Executive Member and Shadow Executive Member4.


Decision of the Executive Member


That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      To meet the statutory requirements of the School Admissions Code of Practice.


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