Issue - meetings

Leisure and Culture Performance and Finance Monitoring Report 2

Meeting: 04/12/2007 - Executive Member For Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion and Advisory Panel (Item 24)

24 Leisure and Culture Performance and Finance Monitoring Report 2 pdf icon PDF 38 KB

This report analyses performance by reference to the service plan, the budget, and the performance indicators for all of the services funded through the Leisure and Culture budget.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


·        Note the performance of the services within the directorate funded through the Leisure and Culture budget.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To monitor and review performance in this portfolio area.


Members considered a report that analysed performance by reference to the service plan, the budget and the performance indicators for all of the services funded through the Leisure and Culture budget.


The major changes from the first monitoring report were as follows:


·        An increased saving of £54k from posts kept vacant on a short time basis following the recent libraries restructure to help mitigate some of the libraries income shortfall.

·        An improved position at Yearsley Pool of £26k following the recent refurbishment and higher than anticipated staff savings during the closure period.

·        Unbudgeted costs of £46k due to the delayed handover of the Barbican Centre that were not reported at the time of the first monitor.


Some Members asked if the vacant library posts had had a detrimental effect on the service and Officers replied that they had.  The Head of Libraries and Heritage said that due to the restructure within the service there had been more than the usual amount of internal vacancies. The opening hours at the Central Library were now back to normal (having been temporarily reduced).


Discussions were had around the subject of the cultural diversity project and the Chair mentioned that there was a small group of ladies who were looking for a swimming facility that could cater for their cultural and religious requirements.  Officers reported that they had met with the group of ladies to try and clarify their needs and to look at practical ways of providing them with the use of a swimming facility. The Chair gave the Officer some examples of swimming provision offered by other Local Authorities which she had found on various websites. The Head of Sport and Active Leisure agreed to look at how other Local Authorities provided all female swimming facilities for those with specific cultural and religious needs; she would also continue to liaise with the group .1 The Assistant Director (Lifelong Learning and Culture) also said that he would provide a report for Members regarding the practical, legal and policy requirements in relation to provision of single sex swimming. 2


Members also discussed the very basic nature of the public toilets in West Bank Park. Officers reported that there were no substantial monies available, at the moment, from Section 106 agreements to assist with the cost of refurbishment.


Some Members felt that there was a need to keep a closer eye on energy efficiency and use of energy at the Edmund Wilson Fitness Gym. The possibility of turning off lights, air conditioners and machines when not in use was discussed.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


·        Note the performance of the services within the directorate funded through the Leisure and Culture budget.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To monitor and review performance in this portfolio area.


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