Decision details

Petition Improving Cycling Facilities on Wentworth Road

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Resolved:          To approve Option B, outlined in paragraph 4 of the report, viz.


To explore a city-wide solution for residential on-street cycle parking as part of a city-wide review of cycle parking.


To move at pace, with agility, and to get this scheme rolled out with a view to prioritising Wentworth Road when considering the pilot.


Reason:                 The provision of public cycle storage would support the following council objectives:


·          Council Plan, One City for all, 2023 to 2027 – Priority D - Transport: Sustainable, accessible transport for all - change the way we move through and around the city, prioritising sustainable transport and discouraging non-essential vehicle journeys.

·          York Climate Change Strategy 2022-2032 – Objective 3.2 – Increase take-up of active travel, reduce overall car usage through alternative modes of transport, public transport and car-sharing.

·          Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2032 – Big Goal 5 – Reverse the rise in the number of children and adults living with an unhealthy weight, Big Goal 9 – Reduce sedentary behaviour, so that 4 in every 5 adults in York are physically active.

·          York Economic Strategy 2022-2032 – a greener economy – increase cycling and active travel to work where appropriate as modes of commuting, along with increased safe cycle parking provision.

·          Emerging Local Transport Strategy – supports the following key themes.

o      Improve walking, wheeling and cycling,

o      Shape healthy places,

o      Safeguard our environment by cutting carbon, air pollution and noise,

o      Manage York's transport networks for Movement and Place,

o      Reduce car dependency.


Publication date: 22/07/2024

Date of decision: 19/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 19/07/2024 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport

Effective from: 27/07/2024

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