Decision details

Consultation results regarding Resident Priority Parking for 5 to 11 Main Street, Fulford

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired, Executive Member for Transport

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: To consider the results of the consultation and any comments received.


The Executive Member is asked to decide the way forward from options given within the report.




                      i.         Take forward a proposal for resident priority parking on the length of carriageway adjacent to 5-11 Main Street for the use of these properties only. 7 day a week, 24 hour restriction with 60 minutes for non-permit holders.

                     ii.         Additional lengths of no waiting at any time (double yellow lines) to be implemented to protect entrances to properties and improve sight lines. (plan included as Annex E(2).

                    iii.        The Ward Member to be consulted by officers about the possibility to introduce bollards with Ward funding to prevent parking on the grass verge.


Reason:    To provide residents priority for the limited carriageway space whilst trying to mitigate some of the concerns raised by St Oswald’s Church.

Report author: Sue Gill

Publication date: 12/05/2021

Date of decision: 11/05/2021

Decided at meeting: 11/05/2021 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Effective from: 14/05/2021

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