Decision details

Strategic Review of City Centre Access and Parking

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired, Executive Member for Transport

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: It was agreed by the Executive in November that a full strategic review of the city’s parking and disabled access offer be carried out, to be completed by Summer 2021. This is to ensure where permanent footstreet extensions are made permanent they are accompanied by appropriate mitigations for those who have been affected by the revised footstreets and to improve city centre accessibility.


The Executive Member is asked to approve the scope and methodology of the review.




                      i.         Approved the scope for the review of city centre access and parking.


Reason:     To proceed with carrying out the review.


                     ii.         Approved the methodology and programme for the review, including carrying out consultation and engagement.


Reason:     To allow the review to commence in line with the programme with a report to be brought back in September 2021.


                    iii.        Noted that the review is to be completed prior to the implementation of the permanent footstreet extension in September 2021, as is set out in the programme.


Reason:     To continue to improve the existing mitigations for those affected by the proposed permanent changes to the footstreets that are due to be implemented in September 2021.


                   iv.        Noted the review of city centre parking is critical to the Executive making the decision as to whether to proceed with St George’s Field multi-storey car park as part of the Castle Gateway Masterplan. This decision is required in October 2021.


Reason:     To enable an informed decision to be taken by the Executive as to whether to proceed with St George’s Field multi-storey car park.

Report author: Andy Kerr

Publication date: 13/04/2021

Date of decision: 13/04/2021

Decided at meeting: 13/04/2021 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Effective from: 16/04/2021

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