Decision details

Petition to secure a ride around for £1 deal on bus transport for all young people of York

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired, Executive Member for Transport and Planning

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: To respond to the above petition and outline options for consideration.


The Cabinet Member is asked to consider the options and agree a way forward.


This decision will now be taken in June (date to be confirmed) as clarification of some detail is required.


The decision has now been deferred until the public Cabinet Member Decision Session scheduled for 4 September as unfortunately negotiations with the local bus providers are still ongoing and therefore officers are not in a position to report back on a potential solution at the current time.


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member:




(i)           Noted that Bus Operators agreed the introduction of a discounted multi-operator ‘All York’ day ticket for 11-18 year olds for August 2013 (£1 cheaper than the normal All York 11-16 price).


(ii)          Noted that in line with widespread ambitions, City of York Council will introduce and distribute a 16-18 year old ‘YOzone’ proof of age card to enable operators to deliver a discount to this age range.


(iii)        Noted that City of York Council will continue to work with bus operators and other partners (eg the York Youth Council) to establish opportunities for further possible bus service and ticketing improvements.


(iv)        Endorsed further efforts by Officers to secure the ‘All York’ ticket for all school holidays.



Reason:           This course of action will allow the Council to continue to work towards its stated aim of delivering a step change improvement to the bus network and will support the use of bus services by young people.







Report author: Andrew Bradley

Publication date: 05/09/2013

Date of decision: 04/09/2013

Decided at meeting: 04/09/2013 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Effective from: 07/09/2013

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