Decision details

To form a partnership with Foundations Independent Living Trust to enable the administration of the Health Through Warmth Grant by City of York Council

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Place

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


This decision is to support the proposal for City of York Council to become a local authority partner, with the Foundations Independent living Trust (“FILT”), to enable the piloting of the administration of the Health Through Warmth Scheme in 2023/2024 in York.

This decision is also to authorise the Head of Housing Delivery and Asset Management, in consultation with legal services and the information governance, to negotiate the provisions, and conclude the entry into the proposed Service Level Agreement and Data Sharing Agreement with FILT.

Options Considered:

1. As the funding is only available from FILT, then no other options have been considered.

2. However, the only other option would be not entering into partnership with FILT.

Options Rejected:

2. Not entering a partnership with FILT would prevent the Council from being able to provide financial support to vulnerable residents to heat their homes in the case of boiler breakdowns.

Publication date: 29/09/2023

Date of decision: 28/09/2023

Accompanying Documents:


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