Decision details

To enter into contract with AECOM to deliver Principal Designer services relating to the Jubilee Terrace to Scarborough Bridge riverside path improvements utilising the Pagabo Framework.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Place

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


March 2023 Executive Decision Session gave authority to progress to deliver the scheme on a phased basis commencing with the higher priority affordable items (lighting & CCTV) and undertake further development work within the current budget.

The scope of works is included within the contract. It is to be noted the scheme has been successful in receiving funding from Active Travel Grant Fund.

To give authority to enter into contract to provide Preliminary Design for the scheme.

To appoint AECOM as a direct award via the Pagabo Professional Services Framework under Lot 2 Civil Engineering. This framework is fully compliant with all UK and EU procurement law and the framework has published a compliant OJEU notice (Reference: 2020/S 079-187629).

Options Considered:

Option 1 - To use Pagabo Framework to procure AECOM.
Option 2 – To use alternative procurement routes.

Options Rejected:

Option 2 was explored, however given the additional programme delays this option was rejected. The scheme is time sensitive due to adjacent project, York Central. AECOM undertook the feasibility design and have invested knowledge and understanding of the scheme.

Publication date: 28/09/2023

Date of decision: 27/09/2023

Accompanying Documents:


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