Decision details

A19 Fulford Road Corridor Update

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy, Executive Member for City Strategy

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of report: To seek a decision on proposals to improve the section of Main Street Fulford to the north of Heslington Lane as well as improvements to the Heslington Lane junction itself.

Members are asked to: Decide on the appropriate improvements to the section of Main Street Fulford to the north of Heslington Lane as well as improvements to the Heslington Lane junction itself.


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member for City Strategy:


i)                    Notes the contents of the report and its annexes.

ii)Agrees that Main Street (North) Option 3 as shown on Annex C should form the basis for the improvements to Fulford Main Street north of the Heslington Lane junction.


iii)Agrees that Heslington Lane Junction Option 2 as shown on Annex C should form the basis for the improvements to the Heslington Lane junction.


iv)                That officers use delegated powers to make any further minor changes to the layouts with the aim of satisfying, as far as possible, any outstanding concerns raised by members.



REASON:To improve conditions along this section of the corridor whilst addressing the concerns of Fulford Parish Council and local residents.

Publication date: 08/07/2009

Date of decision: 07/07/2009

Decided at meeting: 07/07/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy

Effective from: 10/07/2009

Accompanying Documents:


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