16        Present                       Mr R Shedden (Chair), Mr P Bielby, Mr A Boddy, Mr P Cowton,

Mr I Galtrey, Mr G Robinson, Mr J P Stirke, Cllr A Hook,

Mr S Wragg


                                                In attendance - Mr N Everard (Clerk of the Board)


17        Apologies                    Mr R Pennock, Mr A Mansell


18        Declaration of            None



19        Minutes                      The minutes of the meeting held on 5th December 2022 were

approved and signed and there were no matters arising.


20        Maintenance              The Chairman reported on the work undertaken since the last

meeting.  Following the introduction of the contractors it was proposed to hold a demonstration and details will be circulated.


21        Consulting                  The Consulting Engineer’s report dated January 2023 together with

Engineer’s Report     details of planning applications considered, and consents issued between 26th October 2022 to 25th January 2023 were approved.


                                    Concern was expressed with regard to the Yorkshire Green Energy Enablement project and it was confirmed that Consulting Engineers were monitoring the matter.


22        Risk Management     The Clerk confirmed that the Health & Safety review was outstanding

            Strategy & Policy      and will be scheduled following the meeting.  Members were referred

to the ADA website with regard to the IDB Awareness Modules.  Insurers are proposing to carry out an inspection pre renewal which will include a review of the Health & Safety procedures.


23        ADA Update              The Clerk updated members on the forthcoming events and on the

online meeting held with representatives from North Yorkshire County Council in respect of the impact on the Board with effect from April 2023 with the introduction of the new North Yorkshire Council.


24        Audit                          The Clerk confirmed that the Board’s Internal Auditors had

completed the inspection and there were no matters to be brought to the attention of the Board.  The Board approved the reappointment of the Internal Auditor, Yorkshire Audit Services, and the Clerk was instructed to write to them to confirm the matter.







25        Direct Labour            The Clerk updated members on the negotiations with the Unions with

regard to the proposed wage increase.


26        Annual Values           The Annual Value of the Board as at 31st December 2022 was

formally minuted as:-


Agricultural Land & Buildings                       - £1,070,111

City of York Council                                      - £2,540,348

Hambleton District Council -                         - £   331,548


Total                                                                   £3,942,007


27        Rating 2023/24           The Board considered the previous year’s budget together with

estimated forecast expenditure to 31st March 2023 and the budget for the forthcoming year.  The Board resolved that the drainage rate be in the sum of 5.57p in the pound in respect of Agricultural Land & Buildings in the District. 


It was resolved that Special Levies be raised on billing authorities for the year ending 31st March 2024 as follows:-


City of York Council                                                              £141,497

Hambleton District Council (North Yorkshire Council)        £  18,468


The Board approved that the Common Seal be affixed thereto.


28        Clerk’s                        The Board approved the Clerk’s remuneration for the year to

            Remuneration            31st March 2024 as incorporated in the budget of £23,538.


29        Reserves                     The Board confirmed the existing reserves policies as follows:-


                                                New Works and Plant – Capital Reserve – to provide for replacement

of plant together with specified proposed new works.


Revenue Reserve – to maintain the balance of approximately nine months of the annual revenue expenditure.


30        Accounts                    Accounts for Payment Schedule numbers 3 and 4 were approved

for Payment               in the amounts of £29,720.13 and £25,481.41 respectively.













31        Next Meeting             The Clerk reported that the next meeting was scheduled for Monday

5th June 2023 at the Galtres Centre, Easingwold.












The seal of the Board was affixed in the presence of



Chairman ……………………………………….

Mr R Shedden



Clerk of the Board ………………………………

Mr N Everard


