1          Present                       Mr R Shedden (Chairman),                                                   

                                                Mr P Bielby, Mr T Clark, Mr P Cowton, Mr I Galtrey

Mr G Robinson, Mr R Spilman


                                                In attendance Mr N Everard  (Clerk of the Board),


2          Apologies                    Mr A Boddy


3          Chairman/                  Following the election of the new Board, Mr R Shedden was

            Vice Chairman          elected Chairman and Mr R Spilman was elected Vice Chairman.


4          Board Members        The Clerk reported that there were two vacancies following the



5          Finance Committee   The Board appointed the Chairman and Vice Chairman as members

                                                of the Finance Committee.


6          Disclosure of              None



7          Minutes                      Minutes of the meetings held on 11th February 2019 and 10th June

2019 were approved and signed.


8          Maintenance              The Chairman reported on the maintenance works undertaken since

the last meeting. 


It was reported that the machine operator was currently on sick leave          and due to wet conditions the excavator operator on a Zero hours

contractor has not been utilised.  There was a general discussion as to

the future operational plans for the Board and the Finance Committee

are to further consider these for the February Board meeting.


9          Planning                     The Clerk reported that 17 planning applications had required

Applications/              comment between 8th June 2019 and 1st November 2019 and two

Consents/                    consents had been issued.


                                    Solicitors acting on behalf of a rate payer had lodged a formal

                                    complaint and the Clerk confirmed that the matter was being dealt

                                    with by the Board’s legal advisors.


                                    A complaint had also been lodged by a rate payer, however the works

                                    have been delayed due to access issues and was currently being

                                    pursued by the Chairman.


                                    Other issues in the District relating to the planting of trees within

                                    the maintenance strip and pollution issues had been referred to the

                                    Consulting Engineer.


10        Leasemires                 A site meeting was to be arranged in respect of the Leasemires system

System                        and an approach via the District Councillor was suggested.


11        ADA                           The Clerk confirmed that the National Conference was scheduled for

13th November 2019 and a report would be issued at the next meeting.


12        Governance               The Clerk reported on the review of the Board’s policies and further

                                                guidance was awaited from the Association of Drainage Authorities.

                                                A Bio Security policy was currently being reviewed. 


                                                The Board approved the Scheme of Delegation and division of

responsibilities between Chairman and Clerk.


13        Audit                          The Clerk reported that the external unqualified audit report for the

year ended 31st March 2019 had been received.


14        Bank Mandate           The Clerk was authorised to update the bank mandate for the

                                                appointment of Mr R Spilman as Vice Chairman.


15        Insurance/ Risk         The Clerk confirmed that a review had been undertaken with

            Management              insurance brokers and that there were no amendments to the existing

            Review                        Risk Management policy.


16        Accounts                    Accounts for Payment Schedule numbers 20, 21 and 22 were         

for Payment               approved in the amounts of £43,653.26, £22,432.38 and £18,799.75                respectively.


17        Next Meeting             The Clerk reported that the next meeting was scheduled for

                                                 10th February 2020 at 4.00 p.m. at Shipton Community Centre.








