The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (AMPC) is to take place on Monday 16th May 2022, in the Earswick Village Hall, at 7.00 pm.  A Parish Council meeting will be held immediately after the AMPC. Members of Public who do attend are not permitted to speak at the Parish Council meeting unless they have notified the Clerk in writing, at least two clear days prior to the meeting, that they wish to speak on a specific business item on the agenda. 


AMPC Agenda


1.    Election of Officers: -           Chairman

Vice Chairman;

2.    Chairman and Vice Chairman to sign declarations of acceptance of office;

3.    To receive apologies for absence;

4.    Review of delegation arrangements to the Parish Clerk for emergency expenditure and planning applications;

5.    Review of the Terms of Reference for committees/working parties;

6.    a.  Nominations of representatives to existing committees/groups, and to other bodies (and review of arrangements for reporting back), to  include:

                                          i.    Foss Internal Drainage Board

                                        ii.    Ward committee representation

                                       iii.    YLCA (to attend the YLCA Branch meetings and to represent the council as voting representatives at those meetings)

                                       iv.    Data Protection Officer (subject to legislation)

b.    Review of the Council’s and/or employee’s membership of other bodies, to include:

                                          i.    SLCC

c.    Consideration by the Parish Council of creating any new working parties and committees.

7.    Review of standing orders and financial regulations;

8.    Review of arrangements, including any charters, with other local authorities and review of contributions made to expenditure incurred by other local authorities.

9.    Review of the Fixed Asset register;

10.Establishing or reviewing the Council’s complaints procedure;

11.Establishing or reviewing the Council’s procedures for handling requests made under Freedom of Information Act 2000;

12.Reviewing  the Council’s procedures for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);

13.Establishing or reviewing the Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media;

14.Reviewing or setting the dates, times and place of ordinary meetings of the Parish Council for the year ahead.






Barry O’Connor

Earswick Parish Clerk

9th May 2022