Forward plan

6 January 2020 to 10 May 2020  (06/01/2020 to 10/05/2020, Executive)

Plan items
No. Item


The Future Homes Standard: changes to Part L and Part F of the Building Regulations for new dwellings

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning

Decision:   06/01/20; In consultation with the Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change

Lead officer:  Becky Eades

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/12/2019


Green Energy Tariff

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Finance and Major Projects, Executive Member for Finance and Performance

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/12/2019


Financial Strategy 2020/21

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change

Decision:   13/01/20; Joint Budget Decision Session

Lead officer:  Debbie Mitchell

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/12/2019


York 5 Year Flood Plan Update

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Environment and Climate Emergency, Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/08/2019


Financial Strategy 2020/21

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Children Young People and Education, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education

Lead officer:  Debbie Mitchell

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/12/2019


Financial Strategy 2020/21

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health

Lead officer:  Debbie Mitchell

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/12/2019


Financial Strategy 2020/21

Decision maker:  Executive Leader (incorporating Policy, Strategy and Partnerships)

Decision:   15/01/20; Joint Budget Decision Session

Lead officer:  Debbie Mitchell

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/12/2019


Inclusive Growth Fund - update

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Leader (incorporating Policy, Strategy and Partnerships), Executive Leader (incorporating Policy, Strategy and Partnerships)

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/10/2019


Financial Strategy 2020/21

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Housing & Safer Neighbourhoods

Decision:   16/01/20

Lead officer:  Debbie Mitchell

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/12/2019


Independent Living Communities: Service Charge

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Housing & Safer Neighbourhoods

Decision due:   16/01/20; This report has been withdrawn to allow City of York Council to take account of some physical changes to the buildings this pertains to which have happened and will happen over the next year. This potentially alters the calculation for the charges

Originally due:   19/12/19

Lead officer:  Kate Grandfield, Denis Southall

Decision status:  Withdrawn

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/10/2019


Taxi Licensing Policy / Vehicle Licence Conditions – Executive Vehicles

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Housing & Safer Neighbourhoods

Decision:   16/01/20; While we aim for all items to go on the plan 28 days in advance of the meeting, in this instance this was not possible as the item could not be published until recommendations were finalised.

Lead officer:  Lesley Cooke

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/12/2019


Economy & Place Capital Programme – 2019/20 Monitor 2 Report

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Transport

Decision:   17/01/20; This Decision Session has been brought forward from the 23 January 2020.

Originally due:   23/01/20

Lead officer:  Tony Clarke

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/11/2019


Progress towards determining all outstanding DMMO applications

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Transport

Decision:   17/01/20; This Decision Session has been brought forward from the 23 January 2020.

Originally due:   23/01/20

Lead officer:  Russell Varley

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/11/2019


Consideration of objection received to proposed revocation of an R30 Resident Parking Bay on Layerthorpe

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Transport

Decision:   17/01/20; This Decision Session has been brought forward from the 23 January 2020.

Originally due:   23/01/20

Lead officer:  Sue Gill

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/12/2019


York Outer Ring Road Improvements - Additional Clarification regarding Clifton Moor Junction Upgrade

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Transport

Decision due:   17/01/20; This will now be incorporated as part of the report scheduled to Executive on 13 February to consider opportunities for integration of ORR dualling and roundabout schemes following the recent government announcement.

Lead officer:  Melanie Farnham

Decision status:  Withdrawn

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/12/2019


New Lane, Huntington – Objections to Proposed Traffic Regulation Order New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Transport

Decision:   17/01/20; This item has been brought forward from the 20/02/2020 meeting. Due to the public interest and nature of this report it has been agreed between Ward Members and the Executive Member to bring this matter forward for consideration in January.

Originally due:   20/02/20

Lead officer:  Alistair Briggs

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/01/2020


Formal Enforcement Action

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning, Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning

Lead officer:  Matthew Boxall

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/11/2019


Planning Enforcement Update

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning, Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/12/2019


York Business Perceptions Survey – BEIS funded project

Decision maker:  Decision Session - Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning, Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning

Lead officer:  Simon Brereton

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/12/2019


Interim report on financial inclusion and welfare benefits activities 2019/20

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   21/01/20; Executive Meeting on the 12 December 2019, has been cancelled due to election on the same day. Executive on 30 January 2020 will now be held on 21 January 2020.

Originally due:   12/12/19

Lead officer:  Pauline Stuchfield

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Annual DDR approvals and Process report

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   21/01/20; This item was incorrectly assigned to the Executive Member Decision Session for finance and Performance. Executive has been moved from 30 January 2020 to 21 January 2020.

Originally due:   16/12/19

Lead officer:  Pauline Stuchfield

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/10/2019


Q2 19-20 Finance and Performance Monitor

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   21/01/20; Due to political sensitivities, the item has been delayed as the meeting papers would be published during the pre-election period.

Lead officer:  Ian Cunningham, Debbie Mitchell

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/07/2019


Capital Programme Monitor 2

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   21/01/20; Due to political sensitivities, the item has been delayed as the meeting papers would be published during the pre-election period.

Originally due:   28/11/19

Lead officer:  Emma Audrain (Technical finance)

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/09/2019


The Transfer and transformation of Haxby Hall Care Home

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   21/01/20

Lead officer:  Vicky Japes

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/11/2019


Shaping the Future of Bootham Park Hospital

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   21/01/20

Lead officer:  Tracey Carter

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/12/2019


Castle Gateway - first phase delivery strategy

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   21/01/20

Lead officer:  Andy Kerr

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/12/2019

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


Lord Mayorality 2020/21

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   21/01/20

Lead officer:  Christopher Elliott

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/12/2019


TSAR Junction Alterations – Gillygate/Bootham

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Transport

Decision due:   23/01/20; The item has now been withdrawn as construction of the above site is now not scheduled until the 2020/21 programmeso a decision is no longer required imminently.

Originally due:   12/12/19

Lead officer:  Stuart Andrews

Decision status:  Withdrawn

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/10/2019


Admission arrangements for the 2021/22 School Year

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education

Decision:   11/02/20; This report has been deferred from the 14 January 2020 to extend the consultation to allow for an additional admissions consultation relating to Bishopthorpe Infant School to formally close on 17 January 2020.

Originally due:   14/01/20

Lead officer:  Mark Ellis, Rachelle White

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/09/2019


Update of Housing Revenue Account Business Plan

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   13/02/20; This item has been deferred to the meeting of the Executive on 13 February 2020 to coincide with the consideration of budget proposals.

Lead officer:  Paul Landais-Stamp, Denis Southall

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/09/2019


Update of Housing Revenue Account Asset Management Strategy

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   13/02/20

Lead officer:  Mike Gilsenan, Paul Landais-Stamp, Denis Southall

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/10/2019


Q3 19-20 Finance and Performance Monitor

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   13/02/20

Lead officer:  Ian Cunningham, Debbie Mitchell

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/10/2019


Capital and Investment Strategy

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   13/02/20

Lead officer:  Debbie Mitchell

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/11/2019


Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   13/02/20

Lead officer:  Debbie Mitchell

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/11/2019


Financial Strategy 2020/21

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   13/02/20

Lead officer:  Debbie Mitchell

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/11/2019


Capital Programme Monitor 3

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   13/02/20

Lead officer:  Emma Audrain (Technical finance)

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/11/2019


Capital Programme 2020/21 to 2024/25

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   13/02/20

Lead officer:  Emma Audrain (Technical finance)

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/11/2019


Schools capital maintenance programme 2020/21

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision due:   13/02/20; This report has now been withdrawn as it will now be incorporated into the Capital Programme Monitor 3 report going to the Executive at the same meeting (13 February 2020).

Originally due:   28/11/19

Lead officer:  Mark Ellis

Decision status:  Withdrawn

Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/08/2019


City Centre Access – Phase 1 Proposals – Budget Update

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   13/02/20; This report has been delayed until 13 February meeting of the Executive due to the completion of the tender process.

Originally due:   12/12/19

Lead officer:  Catherine Higgins

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/10/2019


York Outer Ring Road Improvements

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   13/02/20; This items title has been amended from ‘York Outer Ring Road Improvements – A1237/Monks Cross Junction Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)’ due to the item now encompassing all elements of the York Outer Ring Road Improvements.

Originally due:   30/01/20

Lead officer:  Gary Frost

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/11/2019

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
6. Information which reveals that the authority proposes:
(a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or
(b) to make an order or direction under any enactment.


Consideration of Objections received to proposed Residents Priority Parking Scheme on Fulford Cross New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Transport

Decision:   20/02/20

Lead officer:  Sue Gill

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/01/2020


Piccadilly– Objections to Proposed Traffic Regulation Order Changes New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Transport

Decision:   20/02/20

Lead officer:  Alistair Briggs

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/01/2020


Longfield Terrace – Objection to Proposed Traffic Regulation Order New!

Decision maker:  Executive Member for Transport

Decision:   20/02/20

Lead officer:  Alistair Briggs

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/01/2020


Response to the council motion on Empty Homes (July 2019)

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   19/03/20

Lead officer:  Ruth Abbott

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/11/2019


Protecting Live Music Venues and Nightclubs

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   19/03/20; This item has been deferred to the 19 March 2020 Executive after initial consultation with the York Music Venues it was suggested that more time was allowed for detailed discussion on the issues involved.

Originally due:   21/01/20

Lead officer:  Charlie Croft

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/11/2019


EV Charging Strategy

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   19/03/20; This item has been deferred to the 19 March 2020 Executive meeting to enable further detailed analysis of options taking into consideration the recent budget proposals.

Originally due:   21/01/20

Lead officer:  Andrew Leadbetter

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/12/2019


City of York Council Fleet Strategy

Decision maker:  Executive

Decision:   19/03/20; This item has been deferred to the 19 March 2020 Executive meeting to enable further detailed analysis of options taking into consideration the recent budget proposals.

Originally due:   21/01/20

Lead officer:  James Gilchrist, Bill Manby

Decision status:  Decision Made

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/12/2019


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