Issue - decisions

Review Report - Housing (affordable and social)

18/12/2007 - Affordable Housing Policy Review

RESOLVED: (i)         That the findings of the Affordable Housing Policy Review be noted.


                        (ii)        That the view that the most appropriate forum to understand, discuss and revise affordable housing policy in the City is through the LDF programme and, specifically, the preparation of the Core Strategy, be endorsed.


                        (iii)       That the information contained in the Affordable Housing Review report be fed into the LDF policy review process.


                        (iv)       That Officers be requested to arrange meetings at a senior level with developers, Housing Associations, professional agencies, commercial property companies and other relevant stakeholders, including Central Government, to consider how the City can provide more affordable housing for rent, for shared ownership, to buy, and also to explore other methods of delivering social and family housing.


REASON:      To maximise opportunities for providing more affordable, decent homes in York.


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