Issue - decisions

Shared Service Initiative for Audit & Fraud Services in the North Yorkshire Region

12/09/2007 - Shared Service Initiative for Audit & Fraud Services in the North Yorkshire Region

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


(i)                 Note the officer discussions to date and the agreement, in principle, to develop a shared service solution with North Yorkshire County Council for the provision of audit and fraud services;

(ii)               Approve the proposed shared management arrangements as set out in this report (phase I of the proposal) from 1 October 2007 until at least March 2008, but with the option to extend this period by up to 12 months;

(iii)             Approve the commitment of resources to the arrangement on the basis of the existing audit and fraud service levels and costs.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:To enable Members to consider future collaboration with North Yorkshire County Council in the delivery of internal audit and fraud services.


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