Issue - decisions

Waste PFI Update

26/06/2007 - Waste PFI - Update on Approach to Procurement and Sites Planning

RESOLVED:             (i)            That the Director of City Strategy be authorised to:


a)                 Commence formal procurement of residual waste treatment facilities, in line with the Private Finance Initiative (PFI), following successful approval of the Outline Business Case by the Treasury Project Review Group;


b)                 Utilise the proposed evaluation methodology (most economically advantageous tender) identified in the report;


c)                  Develop and implement evaluation criteria subject to a further report setting out the evaluation process and resource input required;


                        (ii) That a further update report be brought by the Director of City Strategy to the Executive identifying sites suitable for residual waste treatment facilities.


REASON:To progress the Waste PFI project into the procurement phase.


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